09. the merge

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After Luke ran off, Kennedy, Liv, and Tyler were still at the back alley behind Scull Bar. They were waiting for Luke to return.

"It's been too long," Liv said.

"You want me to go look for him?" questioned Tyler.

"Yes," Liv responded. "No— I don't know," She picked up her phone again to call Luke.

"I'll look for him," Kennedy spoke. Liv shot her head up to look at her.

"No way."

"Yes. I'll make sure he's okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. You're my best friend Liv, Luke is just as important to me."

Liv gave her a hopeful smile before Kennedy ran off.

Moments later, Kennedy bumped into Damon.

"Have you seen Luke?!" She questioned hastily.

"No, but I'm pretty sure Jo and Kai just merged."


Kennedy looked around her debating where to go.

"They're over here, stop freaking out!" Damon said making her frown.

They made their way over to the middle of a park.

Jo was sitting down, Luke in her arms; Kai laying on the ground not too far from them.

Her mouth opened from seeing Kai, she knew what they just did. Without thinking, she bent over Kai. Her hand brushed his cheek lightly. A part of her wanted him to be the one to wake up. But she needed Luke to wake up— for her and Liv's sake.

"Good, you're still alive," Damon said. "That's gonna save me a huge blowout from Ric when he gets back."

Kennedy got up from Kai and made her way over too Luke.

"I am definitely coming into something late," Damon said again while look around him.

"Oh god," Kennedy whispered while leaning down to Jo and the twin. "Is he—?"

"No—" Jo quickly said before Kennedy let out a sigh of relief. "Luke showed up and he merged with Kai." Jo said to Damon.

"Huh. So I guess adding the words 'twin merge' to my vocabulary was pointless," He spoke making Kennedy roll her eyes, "Cause they ain't twins."

"Damon— would you just stop talking?" She said to his insensitiveness. He ignored her and shrugged.

"He's not supposed to be here," Jo spoke again, "The only reason he's here is because you let Kai out!" She shouted at Damon.

She looked back down at Luke and tried to wake him up.

Seeing Luke like this, and Jo crying made Kennedy cry as well. A couple tears fell down her face.

"Well, uh, let me give him some of my blood," Damon offered while pulling his wrist to his mouth.

"It wouldn't help," Jo said to him. "It's up to them now. Whoever wakes up is the winner. And whoever doesn't—"

Luke opened his eyes, taking out a breath. Kennedy tilted her head down in relief when he woke up.

"Can you hear me?" Jo questioned while caressing his face.

Kennedy felt her heart beat go back to normal.

Jo went to feel Luke's pulse and it wasn't there. Then he let out a breath before leaving completely.

"Luke," Kennedy cried out.

"He's gone— he saved me and he's gone—" Jo said with tears down her face.

Kennedy got off her knees and sat on her bottom. Her hands ran through her hair before she wiped under her eyes from crying. It didn't stop the tears from flowing.

"You win some, you lose some," Kai's voice sounded causing all of them to look up. "Except for me. I always win."

He looked around at all of them and saw the tears Kennedy was giving out. The look she gave him sent shivers down his body. She was so hurt and upset, the feelings he felt was confusing him more than ever.

Damon was walking towards the boy, before Kai disappeared.


After the merge ceremony, Kennedy ran all the way back over to Scull Bar. The minute she saw Liv in her sight, she pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry," She cried in her arms. Liv was a sobbing mess. "I was too late."

Liv couldn't speak. The sadness took over everything in her. She lost her other half.

"Oh my god—" Kennedy started again while pulling away. "I need to call Drew—" She sniffled while remembering he was just as close with the twins.

She started to dial his number. After 2 rings he picked up.

"Hey, Kennedy," He said in a cheery tone.

"We need to talk. Where are you?"

"Haha funny story— i'm at you're apartment. And before you say it's weird— Luke told me a while ago to finally tell you but i've always been to scared to say it but i'm here now and I need to see you."

With that, Kennedy hung up the phone and rushed straight over to her apartment.

"There you are," Drew said with a smile.

When Kennedy didn't return it, he frowned with worry.

They stepped inside the apartment and sat at the couch together.

"So what'd you need?" He asked her.

"How do I say this," She sighed while looking down.

"You can tell me anything," Drew responded before grabbing ahold of her hand. Kennedy let out a small breath from the gesture but soon calmed.

"Luke— umm," She pressed her lips together to stop the tears from coming again. "Lukes gone."

Drew had a concerned look on his face before saying. "What do you mean gone?"

"He merged with Kai—"

The boy had a shocked face.

"How is that even—"

"I don't know, but it worked."

A tear streamed down her face.

"I know you guys were close—"

Another warm tear came down and he used his right thumb to wipe it off her cheek. Her eyes shut and Drew pulled her into a hug.

"I'm gonna kill him," Drew said before pulling away from the hug.

"Wha—" Kennedy started perturbed.

"Kai— I'm gonna kill him."

"No— no you can't!"

Drew faced her, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yes I am. He's a deranged psychopath who's gonna kill all of us!"

Kennedy sighed and rested her hands on her knees and her head in her hands. She was feeling distressed from everything. Luke dead. Liv feeling even worse about her twins death. And now Kai being killed. She shouldn't care, but she did; deeply.

"No—" She said standing up. "If you kill him— you all die. Including you."

Drew looked up at her from the couch realizing she was right. Kai is the leader of the Gemini Coven. If he dies, the whole coven dies.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed while sitting up. "I need to go. I'll figure something out."

Drew started to leave before Kennedy spoke again.

"I thought you wanted to tell me something?"

"Not now."

He continued his walk out the door and she just stood there, wondering what was going to happen to Kai if anyone got their hands on them.

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