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Third Person POV

There was a silence before a soft voice called from above ‘‘Which Drew exactly ’’

He sighed, breathing in the scent of copper as he did ‘‘Drew Tanaka of course which other drew would I be asking for, please just go, don’t ask much questions, tell her I’d get her a pair of jimmy choo or whatever it is she wants, anything to get her to come’’

Silently he waited for Jason to leave, and after what felt like hours, he heaved a sigh and rose from where he sat, and left the room.

‘‘You know, you make a hell of a lot of noise for someone who just came out of a coma’’ it was Will that spoke, amusement shining in his eyes, even though only concern could be read in his voice.

‘‘It's the residual adrenaline, that more than anything is why I want to do all I can because I can feel it slowly sip away, everything seems a little bit heavier’’

‘‘So you do want to live?’’ there was a visible change in his posture, tension slowly leaving his body.

‘‘You thought I wouldn’t want to?’’

‘‘I feared it’’ he confessed

‘‘I'm not sure if I really want to do this, survive, but I do want to know I have a choice, I’d rather pick death, than have it be thrust onto me’’

''H-How can you say that'' it was Annabeth that spoke, for the first time since he awoke, her voice as beautiful as he remembered even with the rough edge the lack of use gave it, and it felt like his heart was being tied by a softer version of whatever has its grips on his lungs, he was not ready to confront either of them, he felt his sister's hands tighten, a comfort he’d forced be grateful for, even if she looked like she was so far away from where they were.

He looked at the child of wisdom ‘‘You’re a child of Athena, you know we were never meant to last to adulthood, one way or the other, they’d keep us forever youthful, whether it be by promise of immortality or simply by killing us off, I would rather be the cause of my death’’

It was then that the open was reopened letting Jason with the Asian demi goddess in tow, he walked straight to his bed, seating back where he originally sat, not even looking back once to see if when followed, which thankfully she did.

Nico raised himself slightly to whisper to the bow seated son of Jupiter ‘‘You came back fast, what did she want?’’

He chuckled a little before he answered in a hushed voice ''A shopping spree''

‘‘To answer our questions?’’

''Nope, to and I am quoting here 'to step my foot in this bone created rat-infested den for the dead, the disappointment, and the fashionably crippled’ so here she is’’

He went back to the position that he was originally in, his head resting on the pillow at the shoulder of the blond-haired huntress’ brother
He looked up at the dark-haired brown-eyed former cabin counselor, letting the pressure his sisters' hands ground him, he tried for a smile, for the second time that morning? afternoon? evening? he really wasn't even sure at this point.

‘‘ A shopping spree, just for your presence isn’t that a bit too harsh?’’
She scoffed, rolling her eyes ‘‘I did try coming to visit you for free once, but I was kicked out quite rudely might I add by your band of merry riffraff’’.

It was his time to roll his eyes ‘‘I wonder why’’ he mumbled

''What did you say?'' there was a little bite in her words her eyes blazing just a little bite.

‘‘You heard me perfectly well, or should I add deafness in the list of defects you have as a demigod, I truly wonder how you made it this far with all the issues you have’’

A soft chuckle was the reply he got, all tension draining from her body ‘‘I'm hurt, truly and here I thought we had a truce seeing as we are both hated by everyone in this camp''

‘‘Maybe in another life’’

‘‘Maybe, so what do you want, because no matter how much I want to believe it, and how much flowers are everywhere it’s neither a date nor is it a giant orgy, seeing as you had the blond prune and the roman version of a wet blanket’’ she raised a perfectly shaped brow.

‘‘I have a tad bit of a love problem’’

‘‘You have a tad bit of an everything problem darling, but carry on’’ she raised her hand daintily, signaling him to continue.

He rolled his eyes again ‘‘now this idiots, decided to ask the current cabin counselor, but they came out short’’

She scoffed ‘‘Shocker’’ her eyes rolling once more, this one looking almost instinctual.

‘‘Yeah well, it didn’t go so well, she only knew the bare minimum, so I thought maybe you’d have a tangible answer for us’’

‘‘And why is that?’’

‘‘Because it’s a kind of curse, and I know you read through a lot of cursed books, the impurity radiates off of you like a scent’’

She didn’t even show a spec of bashfulness she just smirked and shrugged ‘‘Knowledge is power’’

‘‘True, and that’s why I asked for you’’

‘‘So what is it, find yourself attracted to hades?’’ his face scrunched up in disgust at that ‘‘Okay then I’d take that as a no, so what’s up, do you feel uncontrollable lust? And a need to desecrate a deity’s temple?’’ he shook his head, feeling the beginning of a cough building up in his chest ‘‘Then what because I’m running out of ideas here darling’’ and like it was waiting for it’s queue, the cough ripped through him with the force of a thunder, maybe it had to do with the son of Jupiter behind him, he thought with a shaky chuckle, as another tore through him, his breathing getting heavier and the rope tightening a little more his eyes shining tears finally falling, as wave of petals fall from his lips, the air leaving his lungs feeling like death itself, it kept on, hitting him over and over again, like it was trying to make a statement, trying to show that it was to be feared, by the time the last piece of petal fell from his lips he could feel his eyes trying to find the back of his head, his eyelids falling forward, all the adrenaline finally draining from his body, as he let the darkness give him so sense of solitude he could hear a ‘‘Shit’’ with the tale signs of an Asian accent, he smiled just a little.


The level with which I enjoyed writing this part actually astounds me, I had always thought given the right circumstances, Drew and Nico could make awesome friends, and to be a part of it, to be able to show how I felt it'd be like, it's just wow...thank you all who are still reading this

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