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When he finally woke up, his sister was still where he left her, her clothes unchanged, her hands still clutching his, but her eyes shut and her head on the bed, seemingly peaceful in her sleep, but the tears running down her cheeks screams a different story, a sadder one.

He looked around his room hoping to see someone awake so he could ask for something, anything, maybe water, but no one was inside, it was bare, so he gently shook his sister, even though it pained him to wake her from the slumber that looked long overdue, he just had to, as she steered herself upwards, her eyes shining with relief when she saw his eyes opened and focused, and fear passed through his bones when he saw the relief.

''How long?''

''A week'' it was soft and broken, her eyes getting glassier.

''Darling'' his voice got impossibly softer, ''Have you eaten?'' he truly hoped she had, he got a little nod for his troubles, and the tension released from his shoulders.

''Okay love lets do this, I know you don't want to leave me, and you're scared you might miss any moment with me, but darling you have to take care of yourself too, and I'm pretty sure you're stinking up my room, even though all I can smell are flowers'' that didn't seem like the best thing to say, because she choked back a sob, so he quickly squeezed her hands like she had done his apparently a week ago, ''So if I swear on the river Styx that I would be awake when you come back, would you go at least take a shower and change?'' he looked down at her pleadingly, silently begging her to say yes.

She nodded and rose to leave, her eyes down casted, she took three steps before she realized he still hadn't let go of her hand, she turned maybe to tell him to let her go, maybe to hold him and cry, but we'd never really know because as soon as she turned, he spoke '' I have a few pieces of golden drachmas in my cupboard, so you know, you can call Frank if you want, I know you haven't spoken for a while, and I swear by the river Styx that I'd still be awake when you finish everything you do know how to use iris message right, wait I'm not sure Frank even knows how to use one either, shit, okay how about I help you, you'd call when you're descent and I'd call someone who could call him and they can get him, and then I'd leave you to your lover business okay?'' a sad smile graced her lips, and for a moment he thought she was going to decline, she was going to shake her head and let herself burn with longing and pain, he thought for a small fearful moment that she'd become him, but she nodded and when he let her go, she opened the cupboard and brought out the poach where he kept it, showed it to him for confirmation, and when he nodded took it and went into the bathroom.

He kept his eyes straight at the door till the sound of the water came up, and if even though he could feel a cough coming up, he pushed and pushed it back, pushed it as he heard the shower turn on, mentally stumped on it when he heard her start to slowly hum a tune, he knew it was going to come with a vengeance the moment he stopped pushing it, but he didn't care, and as he watched steam roll off the edges of the door, he knows why, he'd face every form of pain if it meant it was going to relive some of the pain she felt if it'd make her happy he would fall into Tartarus and let him have his way with him, was this what Bianca felt? Maybe not, he'd never think of leaving her, even with the promise of immortality hanging over his head, was this what it meant to be an older sibling? Maybe before he let out his final breathe he'd ask Percy.

His thoughts were cut short when she popped her head out of the door, ''Are you done?'' she nodded shyly, he grinned, still mentally pushing down the raging cough he went into the bathroom where there was steam everywhere, he smiled, this would do nicely, he quickly turned ''Okay so technically we need mist, and I'm not really sure if mist like the mist would work, but it can never hurt right? Hazel if you don't mind''

she chuckled, ''That's not how it works''

''oh, okay then, I think the cold steam should surface, hopefully '' he breathed in, feeling a lone petal float up to his throat, he swallowed it back down, pushing with all he had, he smiled, made a show of crossing his fingers then tossing a drachma into the mist and did a silent prayer to iris both asking her to accept it and for the message to even work, then he whispered the name he was looking for ''Leo Valdez ''

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