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He chuckled, even though it was pretty shakily “apart from the fact that you’re basically fucked, with the worst and saddest luck since maybe Medusa, she told us to warn you against new crushes, it’d only speedup your demise, she also said that there are just two things that could happen as of now, one is to get a surgery to have it removed, but the thing is that you would lose all the feelings you might have had for the other party, secondly you do not do this and we watch you die".

"I'm not sure what to do" he mumbled, eyes firmly placed on the floor,

"What?" It wasn't a scream, but it very well could be, the anger he felt radiating from the boy was like that of a storm.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, he felt what he hoped wasn't the beginning of a seizure, that couldn’t have been possible, or at least he hoped it was not, “You don’t understand”, he hoped he sounded as sad, as desperate as he felt, but even he knew that wasn’t true, it was never, he could never show the pain he felt, never show how much it'd hurt him, maybe that was why he came off as selfish, was that what the blond thought of him, that he was selfish? maybe he really was.

“Then make me understand” he sounded as desperate as Nico wanted to seem, he took the feelings he wanted to present and did a better job of showing it, “Practically no one knows who the other person, except me, I know, and maybe I didn’t know from the most honest of ways, but I still do, and I want to understand, I need to understand, so I don’t think you either selfish, stupid, or both”

He took shaky steps towards his bed, or what was left of his bed at least, it looked more like a flowerbed than what a human-or at least part human- would have their rest, but maybe that was fitting, he wasn’t really sure how much of him is still demigod, was he now just a plant, his blood the sap, and the flowers his children, was that why it hurt so much every time they were birthed, he had always heard that it hurt when a child was delivered, a blessing that felt like a curse, was this what this was? a blessing that felt like a curse? Was this the gods' way of showing him that they understood, that they had finally found pity in the fates ploy for his life, was this his was out finally, clutching on to what had been once all he had.

He shook his head, clearing all his thoughts before they reached a place he would never want them to be, a place he wished he had never been before, a place he had felt was made just for him, or at least for what was left of the children of the underworld, he sat down and looked straight in the eyes of storm himself, or at least an extension of the storm, and he smiled, like he did with death, he faced them, felt their strength and the knowledge that he might lose against them, and they'd rip him apart and he smiled, for like death, the wrath of nature was one of the only eternal truths, and he stared at one of them, or at least the child of one, they all didn’t even know they were messengers of the underworld, every single one of them, bringing souls to his father, every single one of them, him more so than the rest.

“I need to eat” that was all he could say, but what else could he even think of saying, while he stared at him like that, like he, not the blond was the storm, while he was stared at like he was the one to be feared, maybe once upon a time he might have stood a chance, but now even a mortal would be able to put him down for good.


“If I am going to pour out my nonexistent soul to you, I should at least get a meal out of it”

“You can’t”


“You can’t, Will forbids it, says something about your throat being too damaged?” he shook his head

“So I either die from this thing, or I die from starvation?”

“Can you talk now?”

“Not answering me changes nothing, I am going to end up dying”

“Can you talk now?”

He sighed closing his eyes for a moment, then for the first time in what felt like forever he dived deeper than the surface of his mind, pass the jests and the mocking smiles, he pushes past the touches, and he ran through the promises of hurt and pleasure, till he reached where he was looking for, or at least who he was looking, a small boy, probably ten or even less, his hair looked like it was falling off, his skin practically transparent, his veins green and pulsing, he was hidden away in the far left corner of the room, his wrist busted and nothing but black ooze could be seen gushing from where blood should he flowing, the word alone was scratched into the walls, even the shadows strayed away from him in fear they’d be infected by whatever was wrong with the child.

He smiled and squatted down in front of him, stretched forth an arm for him to take, and maybe it was the fact that the child really was just in need of company, or maybe it was that at the end of the race he was finally in control of his mind, but without even a breathe worth of hesitance he took the offered hand and rose from where he was, the ooze never seizing, and Nico knew…it was finally time to face his demons, or at least one of them.

“Okay I am ready, but fair warning, it’d most probably not make sense to you, but please don’t ask questions, I’d try to make it as brief as I can, I don’t know whether I’d be able to continue if you do, this is already hard enough, don’t make it any harder” all he got was a nod which he wasn’t sure was a bad or good thing.

Before he started, he did a silent prayer to Aphrodite that nothing disturbs his rant, he was willing to bare the wrath of delay, but he needed this.


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