Chapter 2- New friends and foes

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Nea sighed. "I promise I'll tell you everything when we get back to the campfire, but for now we must go and fix the generators." Y/n paused for a moment. "Generators?" He said with a puzzled look. " Yes, in order to escape we, as survivors, have to fix five generators to open the exit gates," she said, finishing patching up Y/n's wound. "Let's go, we don't have time to waste." Helping him up, they walked out of the wooden shack and went to look for a generator. Moments later, they found one. Nea began to work on it. "So... how do we fix these generators?" Y/n asked, as he crouched in front of the generator. "To be honest, we don't really know what we're doing. We just carefully put wires into the holes until it turns on. It's kind of a self-taught thing you know? Just when your fixing it, try to stay as calm as possible," She said, looking back at the generator. Y/n nodded, and started attempting to fix the generator. "So far so good," Y/n thought. They were about nearly done when, suddenly both of them heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the distance almost making him pop the generator. "Finish this generator. I'll be back," Nea said with a grin, as she pulled out a flashlight. She runs off most likely to help the other person. Y/n continues to fix the generator, until it turns on. He felt satisfied with not popping it on the first try. Y/n stood up and thought, "Nea said she'd come back... but if I were to go fix another generator, we'll be able to get out of here faster." Agreeing with his thought, Y/n went to find another generator to fix. As he walked, Y/n heard a loud anonymous sound. He turned around to see what looked like a person being lifted up into the sky by these strange arachnid looking limbs. He shivered, feeling a bit scared and uncomfortable of what he had just witnessed before he heard what sounded like another generator turning on. He didn't know how, but he knew that three more generators needed to be done. Without wasting any more time, he went and found another generator. Working on the generator, Y/n thought it was a bit quiet, too quiet for his liking until he started to hear a faint heartbeat in his ear. Thinking it was just his paranoia getting the best of him, y/n continued working. Soon, it got louder and he began to hear humming as well. Not being able to ignore it, y/n turned around to be met with a large axe being plunged into his chest. Y/n screamed in agony as his eyes widened in horror, seeing the blood spurting out. The killer pushes the axe deeper into his chest, cracking a few ribs. Y/n coughed up blood as his vision started to become blurry. The masked female pulled out the axe from his chest and he fell onto the ground with a thud. Y/n heard the killer chuckling before he passed out from blood loss. Y/n gasped, waking up from the terrible nightmare. At least that's what he assumed. "I-It felt too real..." y/n said with a shaky voice. "That's because it is real," a male voice said. Y/n glanced up to see eyes glaring at him. He recoiled back onto a tree, giving a shuddering breath as he saw people around a campfire looking at him. "I-," "what, cat caught your tongue?" A male said with a smirk. One of the females looks at him with a stern expression before softening her face and looking back at Y/n. "Don't be scared, your safe now," she said giving him a warm smile. "Oh for fucks sake, stop trying to give him false hope. He'll learn quickly that there's no escape from this living hell," the male said with a hiss. "Just ignore that prick. My name is Claudette, that's David, Jake, Kate, Feng, and Dwight." They all waved at him except for David, not even paying attention. "The others are either sleeping or in a trial and it seems like yours didn't go so well, did it?" "She hacked my chest," Y/n said as he started bursting into tears. Claudette sighed. "Unfortunately, the killers have been becoming more and more brutal by the day," she said, walking up to Y/n and giving him a hug. "It's going to be okay," Claudette says, trying to comfort him. "Hey guys, we're back," Nea called out. "How was the trial?" Jake asked. "Tsk, the fucking psycho was on our tails the whole time. If it wasn't for Laurie having a key for the hatch, we would've been chopped up meat," she said. Nea turned around to see Y/n in deep sorrow. "I'm sorry Y/n if there was something-," "It's okay Nea, it wasn't your fault-" " After what happened, I honestly have more questions than ever and I'd really appreciate it if someone would answer them." Y/n said, cutting her off. "Well for starters, welcome to the entity's realm."

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