Chapter 3- Pressure of reality

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"I assume it's the reason we're all here, am I right?" Y/n said. "Yes, but we aren't quite sure the reason for it other than us being here for its own amusement," Nea said. "I see," Y/n replied. "So, is it the same for the killer?" "Actually, there is more than one killer Y/n. When the trial starts, four survivors and one killer is picked at random to be placed in the trial. As we go through these trials, we rank up- giving us the ability to access perks and add-ons to increase our success rates. But the killers also have perks and add-ons of their own so as survivors, we must analyze their abilities and killing styles to outsmart them and give us a chance to escape. Makes sense?" Jake said. "I mean, I understand somewhat of it except for when you brought up perks and add-ons. I don't get it, is it like some kind of game where we have to level up our skills?" Y/n said, obviously confused. "If that's how you want to think about it then yes, it's something like that, but it wouldn't be leveling up skills to fight or anything because for some reason we can't. The main perks and add-on's it gives us are based on our senses, mobility, and navigation such as sprint burst, reducing noise while moving, generator locations, and so on. Now the add-ons are items that can help us to escape or help assist us, like that key Laurie had for the hatch. I hope that clears some things up," Dwight said with a bit of a nervous look. "Okay, I get it now, but if we can't fight them... is there still a way to slow them down? and if there's more than one killer... Who are the others?" "Why so many questions? It's not that hard to figure out. Yes, there's ways to slow down the killers like blinding them with a flashlight or hitting them on the head with a pallet. It will stun them for a moment," David said with an attitude. "Can you just bear with him for a few minutes longer? He's just trying to understand his situation better and we've all been there at one point, clueless and scared," Dwight said with a caring tone. "Shut up Dwight, just shut up all of you!" David yelled, clearly done with the conversation. He stomped off. "I'm sorry for his behavior, he's usually not this angry. Lately it has been really rough on him and on us, so please don't take it too personally," Dwight said as he got up to go check on David. Y/n and the others stood there in awkward silence before Claudette blurted out. "Uh so about the killers..." minutes pass and Claudette told Y/n about all the killers there were. "Hmm, I feel like we're missing someone" "Oh! You forgot about the clown." Kate said suddenly. Of course. "I haven't had a trial with him in a while so he kinda slipped my mind," Claudette said. Y/n was fearful about a lot of the killers he heard about, like the Deathslinger and Michael Myers. He was shaken up to know that there was a clown. When the clown was mentioned, Y/n began having flash backs to what happened. He couldn't help but cry, remembering the unbearable pain he went through. "Y/n wants wrong?" Kate asked. "I'm sorry it's just that I didn't have a very good encounter with a clown and I have an irrational fear of them. I can't face another one. It's too traumatizing," Y/n said as he shivered. "This probably won't make it any better, but even though he throws bottles containing toxic gas and cuts our fingers off, he's not as dangerous as some of the other killers." Just as Kate said that, a whirl of black mist surrounded Y/n, Claudette, and Feng. "Looks like we're going into a trial," Feng said before they were fully consumed by it. Darkness fell upon Y/n, until he blinks and found himself at an area with a big building that was withering. He guessed it used to be an asylum. Y/n cautiously walked into the building to see if there was a generator. He happens to find one on the second floor and started working on it. A few minutes later, he was about half done with it until his heart beat began to race again. Knowing the consequences of ignoring it, y/n didn't dare to stay there any longer and looked for somewhere to hide. Seeing a locker nearby, he quickly jumps in it just as the killer rounded the corner. "Shit, that was too close," y/n mumbled under his breath. The killer walked up and kicked the generator, damaging it. Y/n leaned forwards a bit trying to see who the killer was through the gaps. His eyes widened in shock to see it was the clown they were talking about. The clown whipped his head to the direction of the locker and began to walk up to it. Y/n flinched back, reacting with a squeak as the killer yanked the doors open. "So, you're the new survivor huntress was talking- cough, cough, about? You may just be the noisiest- cough, cough, ah just forget it." Grabbing y/n's wrist, the clown pulls him out of the locker and throws him on the ground. " sick?" Y/n blurted out. "If you're just trying to stall some time, it isn't going to- cough, work," the clown said as he pinned Y/n down to the floor. "You have no business knowing who I am. You're just a survivor and I'm a killer, that's it, got it?" He said with a growl. "Okay, okay! I got it, just please don't..." Y/n yelled, whimpering as tears flooded his eyes. "Are you going to cry? I haven't even drawn blood on you yet. Even the other survivors aren't that scared of me. Are you scared of clowns?" He said, beginning to laugh. Y/n looked away, not knowing why he felt embarrassed by this person he didn't even know. Y/n started to get a bit flustered, not understanding what this clown's intentions were. The clown stopped laughing and looked at him, staring y/n down with his dark eyes. Y/n glared back at him with his E/c eyes, feeling uneasy about the silence that came over them. The clown suddenly grabbed y/n's collar, pulling him closer. "Play time is over boy."

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