Chapter 4- Mix emotions

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A/n: Sorry for the long wait. Lately I've been unmotivated to write, but I'm back now and the updates will continue.

Forcefully grabbing Y/n's hand, the clown places his knife on his finger- about to cut it. The clown flinches back, covering his eyes as he was suddenly blinded by a flashlight. "Go, I'll distract him." Y/n looked up to see it was David. He got up, not hesitating one bit and ran for his life. After running for quite a distance, Y/n finally stopped to catch his breath. "I shouldn't have ran like a coward, but what else could I have done? I'll just be a burden to him," Y/n thought. "Come on...get a hold of yourself. You're not here to fool around..."(the sound of three generators go off). "They did that quite fast, I better get working too," Y/n thought as he saw another generator in eyes view. Walking up to the generator, he noticed that it was almost done. Y/n went for it, but pulled back immediately when he heard a shriek of one of the survivors being placed on a hook. He cringed a bit, but shook it off and began to fix the generator. A minute later it was nearly done when Y/n began to hear a rapid heartbeat. He tensed up, but still quickly finish the generator and got up. Just when he was about to flee away, Y/n out of the blue gets hit in the head with a glass bottle. He yelped in pain as it shattered on impact. It released a chemical gas in the area, making Y/n feel dizzy and start coughing uncontrollably. The gas grew thick, clouding his vision making him stumble over and fall on his stomach. Clenching the ground in defeat, he felt someone turn him on his back. Facing the person who was there, Y/n's air got caught in his throat, petrified as it was the clown who was glaring down at him. "You really are a funny one, aren't you? A deer in headlights is what you are. I suppose if you keep behaving like this, I might just have to force the screams out of you," the clown snickered. He grabs Yn's hand and started playing with his fingers. "Which one should I cut? Your index or your middle fin-," "No please let go!" Y/n cried, beginning to squirm in desperation. "Stop moving," The clown said with an angry tone. " can you be so cruel? You awful clown. I've been through so much pain; it hurts so much and you dare act like it's nothing?" Y/n said with a snarl..."D-Did I just say that?" He looks at the clown with an expression of fear, regretting his choice of words. "Heh-heh ha-ha." The clown begins to burst into a laughing fit. "So, you decide to act all tough now? You're just like the rest of them and yet you still manage to amuse me. Maybe I won't kill you just yet, but if I see your face again your fingers won't be the only thing I'll be cutting," The clown said, grabbing Y/n and throwing him on his shoulder. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked- beginning to freak out. "I'm taking you to the hatch," the clown said "'re not going to kill me?" "No", the clown replied. Y/n sighed with relief, but still felt uneased by his presence. For a little bit the clown has been carrying Y/n over his shoulder. They haven't said a word to each other. Y/n grew the courage to say something. "," he mumbled out. "What was that?" The clown said. "Nothing," Y/n blurted out- quickly blushing with embarrassment. "Tell me," he insisted..."I said thank you, thank you...for sparing me." Y/n said. The clown was surprised by his response. He stopped in his tracks and put Y/n back on his feet. The clown looked at him with a baffled look. "I have threatened you and hurt you yet you're trying to find a reason to trust me?" "Can I not say thank you? Yes, I'm scare, I'm terrified of you. Looking at you brings back horrific memories and I know you probably will kill me the next time we meet again, but right now. The fact that you're willing to let me go, makes me feel like you're not so cold hearted," Y/n said, looking at the clown with a timid expression. The clown seemed concerned, but did not know why. He wanted to ask him of his past, but decided to keep it to himself. "The hatch is behind you," the clown said. Y/n glanced back, now taking notice of the hatch. "I guess this is goodbye."

(Bloody Circus)The Clown X Male Reader *FLUFF*Where stories live. Discover now