Chapter 1

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"...Save what has been lost.
And being back what once was mine.
What once was mine." Little Rapunzel sang. Her voice softer with every line.
She looked back at her mother who was still gently brushing her hair, "I love you mommy." she said silently.
Her mother placed the brush beside her and pushed Rapunzel's hair to the side as she kissed the top of her head, "And I love you too, my little flower."

Rapunzel laid in bed with her eyes shut listening to the birds light chirping as light shone through her widow.
She heard a small rustle and felt a hard gaze on her. She opened her eyes and looked toward the curtain on her door way, "Mommy?" she choked, rubbing her eyes so her vision would be clearer, "Please don't leave me." Rapunzel pleaded.
Gothel let out a sigh, "Rapunzel. You know I would want nothing more to stay home and watch you but the first frost is coming soon. I need to stock up on supplies so we can last the winter." she explained.
The corners of Rapunzel's mouth began to tremble and her eyes welled up as she watched her mother causally leave her room.

Leaving Rapunzel alone again.

She sat up and furiously wiped away the forming tears so that she could run to her window and watch her mother leave. It always fascinated her. She never could figure out how her mother could exit the tower. Rapunzel had never seen the door to leave.
She watched her mother's silky black curls bounce in the cool sunlight as she leaned out the window wishing she could be there too.
Wishing that maybe she would be able to make a friend out in town.
Her mother always said people are dark, selfish and cruel. But her mother always seemed to come back home fine afterwards.
After her mother had left through the cave Rapunzel let out a sigh and turned for the kitchen.
But a strong, cool breeze came through the window catching Rapunzel's attention. She quickly turned around feeling as though someone or something was calling to her. Something she couldn't see.

But she could see the snowflake.
The one snowflake that flew through her window. The hint of ice or snow anywhere.

The snowflake was just as lonely as she was.
She reached out but the snowflake went back out the window. Almost hovering on the ledge.
Rapunzel wanted the snowflake.
She climbed on the window sill trying to grab it but it was too fast.
Almost as if it had a mind of its own.

Finally she jumped to grab the delicate piece of ice and she caught it. Only to find herself falling.
She couldn't scream. Who would hear it anyways? She starred quietly as she came closer and closer to the ground.

Then she was cold.

She thought she died on impact but when she opened her eyes she was back in her room now holding a half melted snowflake.
Her wise widened and she looked around the room and then into the palm of her hands. She starred into the snowflake, "Did you... Did you save me?" she asked in which it did not respond. Nor did it move. It just slowly melted in the warmth of her hands.
She was heavily breathing. "We have to get you on ice!" she exclaimed as she ran through the curtain out of her room.

She opened the near empty freezer and lightly placed a thin napkin on the ice so that the snowflake would be removable. She carefully placed the snowflake on the napkin trying not to ruin the intricate design on it. She peered into the freezer, "I'm sorry I melted you and you can't get your pretty pattern back. But I still think you are beautiful. We all have scars and that is what makes us special. Thank you for saving me pretty snowflake." she then felt the need to scan the room before getting on his tip-toes to lean in and whisper to it, "I believe in you. You'll end up fine. I hope this helps." she then jumped up to peck the snowflake before closing the door.
She leaned back onto the fridge and noticed something strange.
Her mother's room door was barley cracked open. It usually was locked.
Rapunzel had never been in her mother's room before.
She was never given the opportunity.
Her mother would be furious if she went in.

But Rapunzel wasn't well known for thinking through her decisions. She crept to the door searching for unnecessary traps. Feeling around if her mother left it open as a test. But upon finding nothing Rapunzel softly grabbed hold of the door knob and tried to turn it. The doorknob refused to cooperate meaning Gothel had locked it, she just forgot to close it all the way. She gently pushed opened the door, peering into the room.
Velvety red was used often in the dark room.
Curiosity took over and Rapunzel wanted to discover the new room.
As she suspected no doors hinted toward an exit to the tower.
The only real doors were the entrance and the closet.
She felt it was unnecessary to check so she just snooped around the room.
Nothing was unusual in the nightstands so she decided to check under the bed. She found a heavy piece of wood sticking out from the ground. She tried to lift it but she wasn't strong enough. She let out a huff of air as she got out from beneth the bed.
I'm the corner of her eye she seen the bright red grabbing her attention.
She tilted her head and starred at the closet door as she felt herself gravitating towards it.
She gripped onto the knob and gradually turned.

She opened it and found nothing but dresses. Outfits. Things her mother wears. She sighed disappointedly as her hopes for a secret door or room drained. She plopped onto the floor of the closet and leaned against the back wall. Under her left hand she felt a floor board shake.
In an old tower like this everything was falling apart so it wasn't a surprise. But Rapunzel still had hopes to find anything useful. She pulled with all her might until she got the board off.
Inside was a dusty blue book. It had no title or pictures on the cover. Not even a description. She still took it anyway. It was clear Gothel wasn't using it. She put the board back and left everything else as it was before she first entered.

She went to the fridge and cracked open the freezer door, "Snowflake! Look I found a book. I only have three right now so this is my fourth. I can read it to you if you'd like." she suggested as if she were expecting an answer.
She left the door slightly open as she sat down to open the book. She turned a few pages before the book revealed a title, "Guardians." she read aloud.
She slumped, "Guardians? I already have three boring books. Now I have another one? Plants, rocks, cooking now guardians." she shook her head, "Okay, well chapter one says Kozmotis Pitchiner, Lord High General of the Galaxies. That sounds cool."
"Rapunzel darling!" Gothel shouted from outside, "I came home early. You were right." she exclaimed.
Rapunzel jumped and closed the freezer door as she rushed to her room.
She threw the book on top of her dresser, a place she cannot reach alone, and ran back down stairs to try and complete the cleaning she was supposed to do while her mother was gone. She grabbed the broom and began rapidly sweeping.

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