Chapter 2

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"Rapunzel." Gothel exclaimed with her arms wide open as she entered the kitchen.
Rapunzel looked up as if she had been too busy cleaning to notice her mother's arrival, "Mommy!" she smiled as she ran to hug her. "Thank you." she whispered happily.
Gothel smushed little Rapunzel's cheeks together, "Oh course my little flower. Mommy was in an extra good mood today. It's the least I could do." She grabbed the basket filled with food and supplies, "I didn't get much, but I can go back tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll be back before you wake up. Now go tidy up your room, I'll put everything away." she finished rubbing the top of Rapunzel's head.
Rapunzel complied and instantly ran up into her room.
When she walked through the door way she felt lighter and her mind was blank. She knew there was something she needed to remember but she couldn't place it. Maybe she had to say something to her mother. Or perhaps there was something she was looking for.
She shrugged the feeling off and went to make her bed.

She ran downstairs to greet her mother only to find the freezer door open as she toss a balled up napkin into the trash.
"What are you doing?!" Rapunzel demanded as she sprinted to the trash.
"I'm throwing away the random napkin for more space." Gothel explained.
Rapunzel's eyes dropped and water spuwed out violently. Her face flush a red color as she grabbed and uncrinkled the napkin, "You killed it!" she accused as she witnessed her only friends murder at the hands of her mother.
Gothel folded her arms, "I didn't KILL anything. I threw away some garbage. And wipe your I nose your covered in snot." she demanded.
Rapunzel didn't bother. She instead cupped the damaged snowflake in her hands as she ran back to her room.
She placed it on her bed beside her as she weaped into a pillow.
The snowflake was gone and it couldn't come back.
It saved her but she couldn't save it.
She was grumbling and apologizing for hours until the energy slowly left her causing her to pass out.

She woke up with a chill. Her room was freezing and not just because she forgot to use covers but because her window was wide open. She fluttered her eye lids still half asleep before sitting up straight.
She rubbed the crud out of her eyes and let out a tiny yawn.
Her stomach growled as Rapunzel had not eaten all day. She placed a hand on her tummy and got out of bed.
But a golden trail of light came through the window drawing Rapunzel in. She forgot her hunger and went to touch it. The golden sand showed a beautiful young woman with curly hair and a blurred face. The woman was surrounded by suitors and lived in great wealth.
She followed the light downstairs to her mother's room. The door was locked as usual. She reverted her focus back to the light.
The sparkle reflected in her eyes as she studied it.
She took a second to spin around and dance with the light.
She felt magical as the dust surrounded her. She let the moment guide her movements as she twirled in circles letting go of every thought.
Until her stomach growled.
She clenched her gut and grabbed an apple from the cabinet before heading back up into her room.
She sat on the edge of her bed eating, watching it to see if it would go away. It didn't seem to care when she touched it.
Maybe it could help her.
Help her heal the now melted snowflake.
She grabbed the damp napkin off her bed and held it open in the light.
Nothing happened.
The snowflake did not return.
It stayed as part of the napkin.
Rapunzel's bottom lip quivered accepting defeat.
She placed the napkin on her nightstand before she laid back in bed. This time going under the covers.
But she didn't close the shudders. She felt comfort in watching the glowing sand and wondering where the trail began and ended.
She had a battle with herself while trying to stay awake. Slowly she blinked until she trailed off and drifted into a deep sleep.

She awoke and turned to her side. She yawned before opening her eyes.
And to her surprise on the nightstand laying on top the napkin was her snowflake. Perfectly in tact.

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