Chapter 4

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She opened her window to check how long she had been reading the stories.
The moon was full and frost began forming on the ground. She grinned and quietly spoke to herself, "And this must be the doings of Jack Frost."
And as she whispered those last two words she felt something. Something watching her. An unnatural gaze. But the direction was unclear. The only one in the room was Pascal who was busy setting up a spot to sleep.
Her eyes darted around the room and even outside. Hopefully she could see in the dark shadows the moon overcasted. But she didn't find anything.
She cracked the shudders before heading to her bed. She needed to be quick in case her mother made it back home as she was sleeping.

Because Rapunzel went to bed early she woke up early. In time just to see the sunrise. Without Pascal of course, who could sleep through a hurricane if he wanted. She sat on the window sill and her feet dangled in the cold air. The ground was now layered with snow. She watched the colorful lights of the morning overhead as snow lightly fell down. She clutched her necklace again, "Hey snowflake. Maybe we could find you a friend. I doubt anything could be as impressive as you though. Able to survive for so long, even in heat."
She giggled before she made a joke, "And maybe even Jack Frost could be able to make it. Considering his area of expertise is... Well, all things winter I guess."
She said his name with such uncertainty. The Guardians have become an ongoing joke with her self.
She got up to begin her morning routine of cleaning the tower.

After that she spent the day procrastinating, waiting for her mother to return.
With as quickly as the snow has been forming Gothel may not even be able to enter their little hideaway by morning.
When nightfall came Rapunzel laid awake in bed, tossing and turning as the darkest of thoughts ran through her mind.
Luckily she is never focused on one thing too long, she eventually drifted into thinking about blue birds and ducks. Then bunnies. Then Easter. A holiday belonging to one of the guardians.
She slowly sat up and clenched her necklace, "Snow... Snowflake. I know I'm not sure what I saw all those years ago but it had to be something right? I don't know how I could imagine something so complex when my knowledge of the outside world is so limited. So maybe the Sandman is real. And maybe that was dream sand. And... And if he's real that means.." she squinted at the necklace, "That means Jack Frost should be-" Rapunzel stopped herself. She had been awake for a while and her mind was probably just making her say random things but..
"-my name." someone whispered.
Rapunzel jumped back keeping herself at the wall.
"You.. you said MY name." the bodiless voice continued.
Rapunzel grabbed the nearest thing she could. A sleeping Pascal and she aimed him around the room, "Who... Who's there? I-I have a weapon!"
The voice started laughing. Nothing devious, a simple, friendly laugh. The laugh of being in shock.
"MY name," it repeated, "I can't believe it, you-you finally said MY name."
Rapunzel squinted into the darkness.
She could swear she seen a glowing aura shaping a body in the corner of her room. It wasn't moving it's place but it's hands were going every where.
She slowly put Pascal down and grabbed a pillow to hide herself behind.
She then peaked out to see if the see through light had disappeared, it didn't. "... Jack... Frost?" she asked uncertain.
As if magically the glow disappeared as a body formed inside the empty space of it.
Rapunzel could only see the silhouette of the person.
It did a little jump, "You, you just said it again!" it exclaimed.
"Come... Come into the light, I can't see you." she studdered.
It walked to the window, the moon shined onto it. It was a boy. His white hair glistening in the moonlight.
"Would you like me to do a little twirl as well?" he offered.
"No, you're fine." she replied on edge.
His eyes widened, "Wait? You heard that? Does that mean... Can you see me?" he asked walking slowly up to her bed.
Rapunzel slowly scooted farther away from him holding onto the pillow.
She looked him up and down, "Who-Who are you? How did you... How did you just appear?"
He had a wide smile plastered on his face. He resembled a lovesick puppy. "You can see me." he repeated flailing his arms in the air.
"Answer my, my questions." Rapunzel demanded.
He snapped out of his trance, "Well. I didn't appear. I was just here. Visiting again. Maybe you just started believing."
Rapunzel narrowed an eyebrow, "B-believing? Believing in what? " she studdered.
His eyes lit up, "Well, me..." he admitted as he placed a hand on his chest, "And as for my name, maybe I'll just show you."
He aimed the staff he had been holding at the wall. He quickly braced the staff against it and frost began forming out of nowhere.
The beautiful pattern wasn't the only unique thing about it but the frost had spell out a name.
"... Jack Frost..." Rapunzel read aloud.
He turned back to face her, "You... You just said it again!" He took a step towards her, "Can you... Say it one more time?" he pleaded.
Rapunzel squinted at him, "Why?" she asked both annoyed and perplexed.
He scratched the back of his neck, "I've just... I don't hear it often." he confided.
Rapunzel brushed her hand through her hair, "Why is that, Jack Frost?"
He smiled as he watched the last two words leave her lips, "No one... No one ever sees me."
"That sounds lonely." she comforted slowly inching her way toward him.
He looked outside and laughed it off, "It has its advantages I guess. Not the worst fate."
Now she was only a few feet away from him, she clutched her necklace, "Don't say that. No one likes being alone. Not being able to speak to anyone and just observing from a distance-why, that's a fate worse than death."
He lowered his eyebrows as he heard the words he had been trying to ignore over a century. He turned to defend himself but she was right there. The edge of her bed, now only a few inches apart.
"I-" he tried to say before he let himself get distracted in her eyes. So big, so focused. She's only just met him but she cares. And that's all he's ever wanted.

All he's ever needed.

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