Chapter 3

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She quickly jumped up to check on her snowflake. She poked it with her index finger and starred in awe.
"Snowflake! You're alive!" she exclaimed. Not only was it remarkable for coming back to it's half dented form after being melted but it also stayed the same form after being out in the open all night.
She pressed her lips lightly against the small snowflake, "Was it the glowing sand? Or did you do this yourself?" She pondered aloud as if expecting an answer.
But she didn't care to know.
Because even though the snowflake couldn't communicate with her she knew the snowflake would always protect her.
Just as it did the day before.

Rapunzel fiddled with the snowflake, which was now a pendant on a necklace she made, as her mother was speaking to her.
Another year. Another speech about mother having to stock up on supplies before winter.
Rapunzel let out a huff of air, "And even though you wish to be here to keep an eye on me we need food to help us last through the harsh winters of Corona. Yes mother, I know."
Mother Gothel stopped and narrowed a furious eye brow at Rapunzel, "Well look at you, only seventeen years old and you already think you know more than me. Trust me Flower, you best listen to your mumsy if you know what's best for you."

Rapunzel helped her mother out the tower using her hair and slouched onto the window sill, "Well, Pascal," she turned to the chameleon beside her, " what do you think about the first frost?"
Pascal slowly shook his head in disapproval.
Rapunzel chuckled, "You don't like it? I love winter. It gave me my snowflake. It's also how I found you. Shivering in that very spot waiting for the warmth of a fire."
Pascal shrugged.
Rapunzel shook it off and giggled, "Aren't you cold blooded? Shouldn't you like... be used to the cold?"
Pascal glared at her.
Rapunzel lightly patted his head, "I get it. Not many people want to spend all winter alone outside." she looked toward the sky as the cool breeze hit her face, "We are fortunate to have eachother." she continued as she clenched her necklace, "None of us want to be alone."
She left the shudders open before getting the broom to begin sweeping the house.
"Would you like to help me clean?" she asked Pascal.
He quickly pushed his head back. He then acted out a death scene indicating he really didn't want to.
Rapunzel smiled at him and began cleaning.

Eventually she worked her way to her bedroom and began wiping everything down with a feather duster.
Pascal pointed above him toward the bed and then to the top of her dresser.
"Why would I clean those off? I can't even see that high. It would be pointless."
Pascal folded his arms.
Rapunzel sucked in her lips, "Okay, okay fine. You win. I'll dust off places no one can reach." she paused, "Despite it being pointless." she joked, sticking her younger out at Pascal. He did the same.

She latched used her hair to the support beams near her roof to pull her up so that she would be able to reach the top of the bed.
She lightly hummed as she cleaned of the dusty sheet above her bed.
She looked down at Pascal when she finished, "It's all clean your highness." Rapunzel chuckled before swinging herself to the other side of the room where her dresser laid.
She rest her elbow on the edge with her face buried in it as she causally stroked the the dresser.
She narrowed her eyebrows was she noticed the small rectangular object covered in dust.
She brushed it off to reveal a hard back, leathery book. With no title, no cover and no author.
She narrowed her eyebrows and studied it before leaving the feather duster on the dresser so that she could grab the heavy book. She unwrapped her hair and sat down on her bed.
She touched the book slowly.
Fingers dragging against its rough texture.
Pascal pushed his head forward to see Rapunzel's face.
She was squinting as thousands of thoughts ran through her mind.
"Why isn't there a cover?" she wondered as she turned to the first page, "There's an inscription, it says 'Just believe'. Who... Who wrote this? Why is it in my room?" she continued, bombarding Pascal with questions to which he didn't know the answer to.
She turned another page to the table of contents and read them aloud, "Lord High General Of The Galaxies, The Man In The Moon, The Sandman, The Tooth Fairy, Nicholas St. North, E. Aster Bunnymund, and Jack Frost." She flipped through the pages, "This is a pretty thick book for it only having seven chapters."
She paused, leaving the book open to the final chapter, "Wait." She clenched her necklace as she thought of a far off memory, "The Sandman. I-" she trailed off immediately turning to the second chapter of the book.
"Snowflake," she said to the pendant, "The magic sand. Do you remember?"

Suddenly a harsh wind was sent through the window blowing the pages of the book until it landed on the last chapter.
"No-" she unknowingly shouted.
Now angered she got up and slammed the shudders.
She huffed as she grabbed the book to reopen it. "I just... I just need to know what happened that night."
She quickly read through until she found the section call powers and abilities, "So, apparently, Sandy utilizes his dream powers through his Dreamsand. The sand is entirely under his control and used for a variety of purposes. It is also his form of communication and can knock people out. When they have been knocked out with the dream sand their dreams should appear above their heads."
She dragged the snowflake up and down the string it was on, "Nothing about reviving anything. Either snowflake truely is magical or maybe someone else in this book helped us."
Pascal just shook his head as he watched his friend slowly go more insane.

Rapunzel slammed the book shut as she finished the very last page. She turned to Pascal, "So. Apparently this book is filled with magical beings called the Guardians who live to protect children. And I found no evidence of magical snowflakes. But..." she paused, "In this last chapter, the only one with a simple name, Jack Frost, he is the embodiment of fun and mischief. He deals with snow. He's just about the closet I can find related to my necklace."
She pressed the snowflake against her lips, by now it had become a habit to give her little good luck charm a kiss when she felt stumped or any negative emotions.
"I guess now the real question is who's Jack Frost. And does he know anything about Snowflake."

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