Chapter 4 - A Froakie for Nike

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Nike is now 5 years old, he is still too young to be a Pokémon trainer. His Father gave him a gift.

Nike: What is it? Asked Nike.

Ash: A Pokémon. Answered Ash.

Lillie: A pokèmon that you really wished. Smiled Lillie.

Nike opened his gift and saw a Pokéball. He throwed the pokéball into the air and it was... Froakie.

Froakie: Fro!

Nike: It's a Froakie! Smiled Nike as he gave Froakie a hug.

Ash: I'm glad your happy! Smiled Ash.

Lillie: Me too! Agreed Lillie.

Greninja: Greninja! (Hello, Froakie!)
Pikachu: Pika! (Hi!)
Snowy (Alola Vulpix): Vul! (Hello!)
Greeted Ash's partners (Pikachu and Greninja) and Lillie's partner (Snowy).

Nike and Froakie started to run around the mansion.

Lillie: Nike! Be careful! Warned Lillie.

Ash: You don't want to hurt yourself. Explained Ash.

Nike: Ok! Me and Froakie will run outside. Said Nike.

Froakie: Fro! (Ok!) Agreed Froakie.

Pikachu and Snowy (Alola Vulpix) are playing in Ash and Lillie's room, And Greninja is watching TV with Ash and Lillie.

Nike and Froakie are playing outside when suddenly, out of nowhere rain came.

Lillie: Nike! Come inside! Called Lillie.

Ash: You don't wanna get sick! Called Ash.

Snowy: Vulpix!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Greninja: Greninja!

Nike: I'm coming! Responded Nike. Nike carried his Froakie in his arm, and ran inside the Mansion.

Lillie: I'm happy that your not sick. Smiled Lillie.

Ash: Nike, tomorrow we will be having a picnic. Explained Ash.

Nike: Wow! I love picnics. Smiled Nike.

Lillie: Yeah! Agreed Lillie.

Now that Nike has a Froakie.

What will happen next?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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