Chapter 9 - Behave for Milkshake

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Ash and his family are at there mansion.

(Nike's POV)
Me and Froakie are playing outside, we then went inside the mansion.

When i saw Mom and Dad making Milkshake.

Greninja is cleaning the table and Pikachu and Snowy (Alola Vulpix) are watching TV on the floor.

Froakie: Fro? (Nike, can i help Greninja please?) My Froakie Asked.

Nike: Yes! I agreed.

So Fraokie went to Greninja and Asked.

Froakie: Fro Froakie Froa Kie Kie? (Can i help you Greninja?) My Froakie asked.

Greninja: Greninja! (Yes!) Greninja accepted.

So, Froakie helped Greninja clean the table.

I sneak to the dinning room to get the milkshake but, i got caught by mom and dad.

Mom (Lillie): No No, sweetheart! You can't have milkshake. My mom explained.

Dad (Ash): You need to behave very nicely to have milkshake. Added my dad.

Nike: I don't wanna wait! I wanna have the milkshake now! I cried.

Mom (Lillie): Be patient, Nike! My mom smiled at my face.

Nike: I don't wanna be patient! I shouted.

Dad (Ash): When i was in your age, i get impatient sometimes. All people gets impatient sometimes. My Dad Explained.

Mom (Lillie): Maybe, you could play with your Pokèmons or watch some TV. My Mom added.

Nike: Ok! I agreed.

I played with my Froakie and my Dad's Greninja.

And then, i watch Pikachu and Snowy (Alola Vulpix) having a race with my Froakie and my Dad's Greninja.

I watch some cartoons on the TV.

I was having so much fun, the fun keeps me busy from thinking about the milkshake.

Mom (Lillie): Nike! My mom called.

Mom (Lillie): Milkshake time! She called.

Nike: Coming! I responded.

Finally, i could have some milkshake. Me,my parents,my Fraokie,my father's partners (Pikachu amd Greninja),and my mother's Snowy (Alola Vulpix) drank some Milkshake together.

And remember: Behave very nicely to get a treat from your parents.

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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