Chapter 15 - Ash and Greninja's Dark nightmare

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It was nighttime and the Ketchum family's are in there beds sleeping.

(Ash's POV)
Me and Greninja were dreaming about the lovely day.

When the darkness came and turned our lovely dream into a nightmare.

And we saw a sha-..... Wait, Dark Ash and Dark Greninja are in our dream.

Ash: Dark Ash! I shouted

Greninja: Greninja! (Dark Greninja!) Greninja also shouted.

Dark Ash: Aah! We didn't even see you there. Said Dark Ash.

Dark Greninja: Greninja! Grenin ja ja! (Well well well! I think we see our old enemy!) Laughed Dark Greninja.

Ash: What are you guys doing in our dream? I asked

Greninja: Greninja!? (Couldn't you guys give up on us!?) Added Greninja.

Ash: Yeah! Give up already! We don't want you guys to control us again. I agreed.

Dark Greninja: Greninja? Grenin ja ja greninja ja grenin. (Give up? Ha! There's no way we can give up. We wanted to control you guys forever!) Explained Dark Greninja.

Dark Ash: Yeah! If we don't control you! Then, we will eliminate all your friends,familys,rivals,and lovers so, we would never see there ugly faces and, we will control you guys forever. Dark Ash agreed with Dark Greninja.

Ash and Greninja: No way! Greninja! (No way!).

Dark Ash: We already eliminated young trainners. Dark Ash explained.

Ash: Why did you eliminate innocent people for no reason? I asked.

Greninja: Grenin! (Yeah why?) Greninja agreed.

Dark Greninja: Greninja! (Cause we wanted you for ourselves!) Dark Greninja explained.

Dark Ash: So, we eliminate people cause we wanted only yous to be with us, and we can rule all the regions together and forever. Dark Ash added.

Ash: You Idi-

The alarm clock interrupted Ash and Greninja's dream.

Ash and Greninja woke up and went downstairs.

Dark Ash: Me and Dark Greninja are not done with you yet. Whispered Dark Ash.

Will Ash and Greninja tell Nike about his dark side?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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