Chapter 12 - Taking care

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Go and check out Darkshades777 Darkshades777

The Ketchum family are at the mansion.

Ash,Lillie,and Greninja were tidying up the living room.

Nike and Froakie were playing with Misdreavos.

And Pikachu and Snowy (Alola Vulpix) are playing with each other.

Ash: Once were done cleaning, we need to find Misdreavos' trainner. Decided Ash.

Lillie: Yeah! We can't keep this Misdreavos. Agreed Lillie.

Nike: Why can't we keep it? Asked Nike.

Ash: Cause, Misdreavos already has it's trainner. Explained Ash.

Nike: But, i wanna keep Misdreavos with me forever. Cried Nike.

Lillie: Son, Misdreavos is not a wild Pokèmon. She has a trainner so, we must Misdreavos has a trainner. Explained Lillie.

Nike: Mom! Dad! Can Misdreavos stay with us please! I don't wanna give her away. Begged Nike.

Ash: Sorry son! But, Misdreavos can't live with us. Explained Ash.

Ash: But, we can take care of it. Added Ash.

Nike: Yay! Cheered Nike.

Nike and Froakie were playing with Misdreavos.

While, Ash and Greninja find Misdreavos' trainner.

Ash and Greninja were asking people if this Misdreavos is there's but, they said 'No'.

Ash and Greninja were unable to find Misdreavos' trainner and they went back into there wealthy home.

Lillie: Did you find Misdreavos' trainner? Asked Lillie.

Ash: No, me and Greninja can't find Misdreavos' trainner at all. Repiled Ash.

Lillie: Don't worry, i called Officer Jenny. And she said that she will try and find Misdreavos' trainner and, she will call us tomorrow if she found Misdreavos' trainner or not. Explained Lillie with a smile.

Ash: Good! Agreed Ash.

Greninja: Greninja!

It was night time...

Nike was in his bed with Froakie and Misdreavos.

Greninja is sleeping in the bean bag in Ash and Lillie's room.

Pikachu amd Snowy (Alola Vulpix) were sleeping on the coach downstairs.

And Lillie and Ash are sleeping in there bed in there room.

Will Officer Jenny find Misdreavos' Trainner?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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