Getting onto Wattpad

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So, I honestly never heard of Wattpad before a few months ago. I have heard of the book #TheKissingBooth but I never knew that it came out on Wattpad.

So, it all started when a few months ago, when quarantine started, I was reading the books: Assassin, Ascendant and Apprentice by @draninator . I was super excited to start reading them, and when I flipped to the back, it said that she had close to a MILLION reads on one of her books! So, congrats, @draninator ! I really enjoyed her books, so I was like, what is Wattpad?

I made an account, and I was like, ooh, YAS! This looks like SO much fun, because I'm not allowed to have social media, so this is one of the only ways that I can connect into the world. Through my writing, and family and friends.

I loved sharing my work online and getting feed-back, but honestly, it can get troubling, and I know that some of you guys have gotten weird PM's from people saying that, oh, you better take this and this and this down, or we'll report you.

This has happened to one of my friends, and the advice I gave her was that, if you are getting hated on by anyone by PM or on comments, or on your feed, know that YOU have the power in YOUR hands. If you get uncomfortable, and you don't know the person who is PMing you, JUST DELETE THE CONVERSATION! They won't be able to find you in their PMs anymore, and they'll stop! 

And if anyone shows hate through comments, see if it was your fault! If it was, just apologize and don't make that same mistake again! And even if it wasn't your fault, just apologize anyway! It really won't hurt anything (unless you have a HUGE ego. T_T)

Other people shouldn't be able to control you, and make you want to delete your account! If you ever feel threatened or uncomfortable, you don't need to get rid of all of your progress and followers by deleting your account. You can just change your username, so those haterz can't find you anymore.

And remember, that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If you are being threatened, mention it on your feed, if you want, and you'll have the support of your followers to take down those Haterz TOGETHER. 

And if anyone says bad things on your feed, remember that YOU have the power to delete those comments and posts. You can always flag a person's account ONLY and ONLY if they did something threatening or inappropriate. 

You shouldn't flag anyone for writing any mature content, because Wattpad IS for 13 plus, AND it says 18 + so if you are under 18 you probably shouldn't have been reading that content anyway.


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