Dear Diary,

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I totally cannot wait to spend time with my grand-parents this week. Just the other night as I was lying down for bed, something struck me. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I felt like the walls were closing in on me. 

I tried to understand why I was feeling that way, but I couldn't. A few minutes later I realised why. It hit me that not everything is forever. You never know when your parents, family or friends can die. Your dad can be going out to pick up the mail, and he can get hit by a car. Your whole world can just break in a matter of minutes. 

I realized that my grandparents aren't going to live forever. I love them so much that it hurts to know that one day they aren't going to be there. My parents too. That's why I've realised something. I need to be the best grand-kid and kid for my parents and my grandparents that I can be. 

There's no time better than now to seize the moment, am I right?



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