Sky Pirates...In the Sky

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Author's Note: Sorry for being away for so long, I didn't intend to. But school got really in the way of me making any progress at all. Luckily, I've found a small amount of time each day to work on this chapter. The length really surprised me: 35 Google Doc pages, with nearly 10k words. Whoo! Anyways, hope you enjoy :]


Dewey stared out the window, a colorful hat on his head and a smile on his face. The Sunchaser was returning from another adventure. The plane was filled with treasure successfully acquired from the trip. The duck turned back, looking at Louie who was scanning his little pile of riches.

"Decorative vase? Probably three thousand... Small sack of gold coins, what's that worth, Webs, about five thou?"

The girl looked up from the notebook she was writing in. "Its historical value is immeasurable. Fought over for decades, Duckachuquack stole--"

Louie interrupted her, flapping his hand open and closed, "Bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-- You know that is not what I mean. And I'm offended that you would try and taint this treasure hunt with learning!"

Dewey walked over, "You guys!" But he accidentally kicked a can of Pep, spilling it on the floor. They all gasped, with Webby quickly retrieving her notebook to protect it from getting wet.

"Careful!" Louie claimed. "Good thing you didn't get any on the treasure." Dewey dropped to his knees and attempted to wipe the spilled Pep up with a piece of cloth from his brother's pile.

Webby gasped again, pointing at the cloth, "Like that priceless Andean ceremonial blanket?" At the news, Louie took the blanket from Dewey, saving it from further ruin.

Dewey stood up and decided it was a good time to switch topics. He pulled on the string balls from his hat, "Where'd I get this flatteringly colorful headpiece, you ask? The place: Pato Pisco. The time-"

Louie ignored his brother and squeezed the blanket, the liquid dripping out. "Ugh, if this lessens the resale value I'm going to be so mad!"

Dewey sighed, realizing he was getting no attention from his younger sibling. "Aw..."

"We are beyond lost and... Is this compass a sticker?" Huey asked, flabbergasted.

Launchpad chuckled, "Stickers are for kids, grown-ups call them decals."

"Then how do you navigate?"

"Instincts, a keen eye, quick thinking..."

A beeping sound distracted him. The two glanced up and screamed as a large mountain came to view. The plane swerved to the side, narrowly missing it and avoiding a crash.

Launchpad looked at Huey with a grin, "And a cool head."

"A cool head?" Dewey bumped in, "... Needs a cool hat. Ooh, not unlike this bold and daring chapeau. And the story behind it is equally bold and daring."

Launchpad smiled at the young duck, happily listening to his little rant and completely ignoring the sky ahead of him. Huey did not appreciate the distraction though.

"Do you mind doing whatever it is you are doing later? I'm trying to get us home safe and..." he turned to the supposed radar and paused. "This radar is an ant farm?!"

Dewey went down the ladder and saw Scrooge talking on the gold flip phone, pacing back and forth. Next to him was Richard, leaning on one of the brown boxes and swiping through his modern black cased phone.

"Yearly polishing of the money in the bin is a necessary expenditure. I may be filthy rich, but I'm not unsanitary."

Dewey approached Scrooge first and pointed at the top hat, "Now there's a man who knows a good hat. It's not just a head covering, it's a statement--"

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