darry curtis x reader (the boss) pt. 1

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ModerN AU

Word count: 1215

"Jamesssss!, I told you this damned office job is killing me! All the boss does around here is tell me what to do and beat my ass if I'm not doing those things in the same second!" The girl held her phone tightly in hand, and with the other typing away some useless "office" stuff such as writing emails to other employees talking about a coworker's birthday or something. Y/N's  job was never important (to her)as she works for a guy who's face is built like a box-

"I know. You complain about him a lot, darling." The girl on the other side of the call said with a roll of her eyes on the phone, Lucinda-James (Or just "James") was filing her nails and holding the phone with her shoulder up to her ear...god this girl really knows how to multitask!

James's voice on the other line was pretty shaggy, but still Y/N understood her friend's every word as she talk the most shit about this "boss" and obviously needed feedback from her friend...so she always had a ear for listening.

Y/N rolled her eyes, she then alarmingly looked behind her where her boss's office stay resting. His frame could be seen walking around in his office holding his own phone, except he had this.. angry look on his face whilst prancing around the small office. He looked as if he were yelling at someone on his phone, and Y/N had to see this all day, everyday without stop. The man was always yelling at someone!

She rolled her eyes again and sighed, switching her chair so she was able to look back to her shut-off laptop screen which most likely shut off due to lack of activity. She cleared her throat, "He never lets me take breaks! All he does is sit at a computer all day and expect me to plan everything for the sake of this shit-ass job?! And that's his whole damned schedule for you! Yelling,prancing, eating, and fucking." She lays back in her chair. But James, on the other line..was a little freaked. "Jamessss?" Y/N whined, looking at her phone to see if her friend just done bamboozled her

James dropped her nail file and held the phone with her hand, eyes wide, "What the-? This boy fucks? And he does it at his job?!" Y/N could practically feel James's smirk from the other side of the phone, so she laughed at her.

She continued to speak about that "Sex incident" to James over the phone. But, in case her boss came out...she looked back ever 20 seconds to make sure he wasn't snooping. And by the looks of it, whatever conversation he was having looked heated. His square features along with his neck were burgundy, makes it look like he was suffocating: but Y/N still saw the man screaming into his phone, making her giggle a little to herself since his expression seemed so amusing..

She turned back around , putting her feet back onto her desk, "For sure I would be fired if I told you what happened in there!" She whispered into her phone, "Ok..." she looked behind her again and there he was...still argUiNG with GOD knows who ...

James on the other side sipped her coffee and awaited for Y/N to tell her what her boss did in his spare time. These said spare times included what was described in pure disgusting detail ....

"He invited STD-infested street whores into his office in the morning.."

James gagged over the phone, "that's gross."

Or, what James gasped shockingly to:

"He's sometimes desperate for sex, so he accidentally leaves the office windows in pure view for all his employees to see him do the diddle-doo with some white whore!" She boasted a little too loudly, laughing and holding the phone against her ear. She slipped off her shoes and heard James mention a few things about her boss being a "man whore." She chuckled quietly at this and said, "Well, that's one thing about that boy..."

James gasped again, "Wha-? There's something else about him? What else could be interesting about a man-whore rather than him having a underlying string of diseases inside him from Russian prostitutes?"

"Well.." Y/N sighed in deeply, feeling her hand rub against her scalp, "He does treat me like a slave. I've said that, right?"

James mumbles a "mhm." Over the phone, Y/N then looked behind her to check if he's still in there, only to see his door open...but she doesn't think much of it.

She sensed him out of the room, so talking shit about her boss probably won't be the best idea, who knows where he could be? Who knows if he'll pop out of nowhere and end up firing Y/N's  ass on the spot? Y/N didn't know, but talking to James was always a risk at work; she's had many threatening warnings from her boss constantly saying that she "couldn't talk to that Lucinda-Girl!" Yet, she never listened. This would be a extreme risk to take, she held the phone tightly:

"Well, I don't know if I should tell you..." she cautiously looked around her cubicle, standing up to scan the other empty cubicles which in the mornings held quiet employees, but working overnight was really all Y/N did with her job. She wouldn't come to work somedays and call in sick when her boss knew damned well that she wasn't sick, but her soft voice and clear skin is what convinced her boss ... a woman that attractive is what could trick any boss into letting their employees get a paid vacation for just having what Y/N had: beauty.

James's voice turned stiff and monotone due to the lack of conversation and Y/N worrying too much about her Boss's sudden arrival, "If you don't tell me then I'm going to eat your pancreas, Y/N L/N." She then picked up her nail file and waited patiently, putting the phone on her shoulder and raising it up to her ear, again.

"Yea, Yea, James I'm sitting back down now hold your horses."

"I love BoJack Horseman."

Y/N laughed. Realizing that siting back down in her chair after looking around at the empty, gray, cubicles for three-whole minutes would be reasonable. "Phew, I'll be ok. I hope that bitch doesn't come out of no where-"

"Ok, here we go I'm sitting down, James." She sat down thinking that nothing would be on her seat, except she weirdly felt a leg against her butt, and the grunt that sounded very, manly.

Her voice froze, as long with her eyes and body. All she could do is sit on whatever she was sitting on, her bare thigh had the unfamiliar feeling of pants rub against her skin.

She hesitated to turn her head, and as she slowly did...

"Hello, Y/N M/N L/N." She was met with a square-face a little too close to hers, she could practically feel his hot breath on her face, "Thought you could get away, hm?"



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