Chapter Four

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James POV
(Mini Recap)
She kisses me ON THE LIPS! I think I just died or something. I felt the sparks shoot through my lips and through out my body. Rose was most definitely my mate.
Rose POV
I pull back and fast, he looks at me confused and I think he's disappointed. So am I. Wait, no I'm not! Yes you are! What no I'm not, I scream at my wolf.

"I'm so sorry, my wolf took control!" I manage to say. He looks at the floor and in a very low whisper he says "It's okay." He gets up from my bed and walks out the door. My wolf longs for him and wants me to go after him but, I stay put.
(Finished Packing)
I go downstairs for a snack, I just finished packing my things. I notice that James and his parents left. They probably went to pack James' things.

I grab a Dr.Pepper and Lays potato chips then head back up to my room.

The only thing their that's unpacked is an air mattress for me to sleep on tonight. Tomorrow I move into my new home with James. I'm going to be honest, I am scared to death to be living with James.

My mother taught me how to cook and clean so I will be fine with that. I am more worried about the awkwardness and the longing.

Even though I don't love him the bond we have makes me want to snuggle up to him and kiss him. I just can't help it. It is going to be hard especially since I'm a white wolf.

Since those types of wolves are the strongest they can take control easier. That is why I kissed him earlier. It wasn't me it was my wolf. I have to admit the kiss felt well good.

I the book I'm reading and sit on the air mattress with it. I don't tell anyone because of my reputation but, I love to read. Right now I am on the first book of The Vampire Academy series.

I set my pillow up and start to read. I feel myself dose off to sleep while reading my book.

That is the end of Chapter Four! I hope you liked it! Please comment and vote! I know it is a bit boring but I promise next chapter will be better! No cliffhanger this time sadly. 😢 But I guess that's good for you guys, anyway bye my pups!! I love you!!

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