Fame, Fortune and Idiots?

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A/N: This chapter has been edited :)


Person 1

Person 2

Might change in the future - but I'll notify you.

They watched their live recorded performance with concern - Hotaru Imai taking notes, Anna Umenomiya sketching some outfits, Nonoko Ogasawara watching the crowd, Sumire Shouda simply watching along with Mikan Yukihara.

It was business. They had to know how to get better.

How to shoot up into the stars.

The press' interviewer smiled at the screen. This was the tense part. "The band 'Shinigamis' has rocketed up to first in the charts!" Anna cheered but everyone else stayed silent. She had something to say. "Although, as they know, their rival 'Elements' has also flown through the charts. Critics can't seem to put their finger on the best all year - the two have been rivaling since day one."

Mikan threw a rock that they picked up at the wall before standing up and walking around. IT wasn't good news. They wanted to be the  top.

"Now on their way to the after party like any night, we'll see the banter between the eternal rivals Mikan and Natsu -"

"BULLSHIT!" She roared glaring at the now turned off television. Hotaru's eyes rolled as she crossed her legs. "Well off you go to your 'eternal rival' ." She chuckled going to her room as Mikan sat down with a sigh.

'Game on.'


"Na-stu-me-kuuun!"He rolled his red eyes looking at the woman who stood by him with a fake smile on her face. "What?"

She fake cried, wiping her tears. "You act like you don't care...aww.." Other girls and boys approached him with make up smeared on their face, boys in tuxedos that were far to tight.

"Cause I don't." He replied merely, causing an uproar. "Wow! Natsume is so tsundere!!"

"Shut up." Natsume Hyuuga had his limits. It seems that he was reaching one of them quite too soon.

"Oooh so cruel! Kyaa!"

"Shut up."

They all gathered in a circle. One girl stayed perched on his arm, much to his disgust. "Natsume look at me not her! I'm your future wife!"

"No me!"

"Uh uh. Me."


The entire went silent for a while. He mentally groaned. You had to keep your cool when it came to these people. A smirk grew on his face as he heard the door open, footsteps heading in his direction. Once it stopped he sighed. She was finally here.

"Wow. You can't even handle yourself in this simple situation...pathetic."

He turned his head revealing a brunette with biker boots, black shorts a long white shirt and a red snapback.

"This never really grows old does it?"

She shook her head as she threw looks to some of the gold diggers around him, as they flinched. "Well, aren't we about to have one hell of a night -" The door was thrown open revealing the 'Mikan friends' group. Ir really was just a group of fanboys and girls. "For got sakes..." She muttered tiredly.

They stood behind her with smiled on their faces. She loved her fans but these ones had something wrong with them.

"Let's see how you deal with this then."


"You don't talk much do you Yukihara?"

"I do. Just not to you. I don't need to waste my breath on you."

"You're still angry at what happens five years ago when we were in the school band and then I accidentally poured Fanta on your bass guitar?"

"I still remember that guitar. Tatsumi...But no that was in the past. What about you? Sad I beat you in that football match then I replaced you as captain? Or in hockey or in everything else?"

He smirked at her as the crowd laughed a little. The press had already arrived filming the entire thing.

"Hmm... They grew right? Hope you changed from Polka dots too cause I don't wanna have to check - maybe even change it myself -"

"What a fucking pervert." He glared shaking his head as he got his phone out. Selecting one of his favourite contacts he punched in an angry message.

Wtf was that! That'll ruin my image you idiot!

You annoyed me. 'Tying with Elements'?! No thank you.

You child.

Just as they were done with their small digital fight, the door burst open with Mikan's bandmates.

"Mikaan!" Anna squealed hugging her. Nonoko sighed crossing her arms.

"Mikan we were looking everywhere for you. How's Tigger?"

Suddenly Mikan smiled like an angel at the thought of the tiger. "Tigger is just fine! I gave him a bath and he is looking fresh. So don't worry! Look!"

She got Tigger out from her bag who was wearing a designer tuxedo.

Mikan smiled at the tiger and hugged it, Hotaru taking a photo with an evident smirk on her face.

Natsume stopped smirking looking around for his own mates. It hit them that they said someting about 'Not want to come' causing him to frown. He really should've listened to the band meetings.

Well, that was typical Natsume Hyuuga.

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