I've always liked hotdogs.

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A/N: EDITED! IF you're new, ignore this message (not the chapter, you can read that XD)

"Ru-chan I have a head ache." Koko complained placing a hand on his shoulder. Ruka smiled sweetly, an eerie aura forming around him.

"Really now? Call me Ru-chan and I'll replace it with a bullet to you head 'kay?"

Koko 'shocked' went over to his gossiping buddy Kitsu.

He grinned slyly, causing Kitsu to grin. "So Ruka isn't an angel." He whispered still staring at the blond who chatted with his sister. Kitsu shook his head with a 'Ah...children are so innocent' look on his face.

"He is Kokoro. It's just the Yukihara Blood he has." They looked at Mikan with suspicous eyes."

It was the morning after, and it was finally time for them to go. Everyone eventually waking up and coming down stairs to pancakes and crepes was unexpected - since it was the maids and butlers' day off.
Apparently, since it was the last time they'd see the Master in a while, they'd make a wonderful breakfast.

With a side of cold pizza - it was by far one of the best breakfasts that they'd ever had.

The door slammed open as two men opened it. As expected, it was Tsubasa and Tono who smiled at the front door - well Tono atleast. Tsubasa was cranky.

"Hey kids! IT's time to go!" Tono annouced loudly with with a huge grin growing on his face as everyone turned to look at him with tired, annoyed expressions.

"Oi Elements," Sumire called catching the Elements' attention, them slowly turning their heads to her. "Tell your damned manager to shut up."

Natsume rolled his eyes and glared at Tono making the man smirk, " Natsu-chan, I know your tired but you can't - IS THAT A LIGHTER?!" He squealed much to loudly when Natsume pulled one out of his pocket.

A few eyes looked at Natsume with slight shock, others not even bothering to look. "Yes. Why are you surprised?" Tono nervously laughed, "I read a manga with a guy who can weild fire, and you look like the type."

Tono earned himself some dirty looks and sarcastic clapping.

These 'kids' were really a cruel bunch in the morning.

Except from Sumire - after a single cup of lemonade, she was up and about.

"Let's go - GET YE LAZY ASSES IN THE FUCKING TOUR BUS NOW." They all glared at her, till she pulled out her phone. "I will start playing Narumi Anju's interview of us -" She stopped and smirked as they started getting up and dashing towards the door.

"Where is the driver ?" Anna asked looking down at her boots. They had been waiting for 45 minutes for the driver to arrive. So far, there was no notice of him not being able to come. Tsubasa sighed scratched his head knowingly. He too has asked himself a question quite similar to that one.

"That guy...he used to teach me at school. He was always so late and would appear at some unexpected time -"

"Sorry I'm late!" Everyone jumped at voice of the man who stood in front of the bus. Mikan was gaping trying to talk but her shock stole her voice.

"W-when..." Ruka stuttered trying to find the words, "When the hell did you get here?!" The man nervously laughed.

"I get that a lot huh...I literally just arrived. I took the bus, and walked down and saw you lot stadnding here. I figuered I got the address right and started to run...but I tripped. Then I made it - and here we are now."

Tsubasa laughed with Tono and moved on to greet him, "Noda-sensei! It's been a while - thank you for accepting!" Tono said with a grin.

Noda nodded, his eyes looking at the band members through his slits. "Right, I should introduce myself. I'm Nodacchi Houtaro. Call me Noda, it'll be a pleasure to be driving you around."

After a short ten minutes of introducing themselves individually, they headed onto the buss and were on their way to the hotel.


"I've always liked hotdogs." Yuu said taking a small bite from his. They  were all scattered around the bus, Hotaru and Mikan sat at the table with Koko and Kitsu, Natsume and Ruka on the couch, Yuu on the small chair by the driver's seat and the rest of the girls on the bottom bunk bed.

The groups chuckled at he statement - the girls had learnt that he wasn't much of a meat eater, still not being vegan or vegitarian, but had an extreme obsession with hot dogs.

Apparently, someone had made them all hotdogs and burgers - they didn't know who since Tsubasa refused to...yet.

He wanted them all to meet the person...in person.

They all played around on the beds testing out their comfortableness, installed their things and tried out the small music room at the bus.

Mikan had grown to love the bus in that single ride. Maybe merging bands...temporarily wasn't so bad afterall.


The Shinigamis and Elements had arrived at the hotel - it was the ever elite 'Intercontinential'. They were greeted with the staff and few fans asking for their autographs. In the end, they got the the reception, only to be met with a scolding.


A hand covered his loud mouth and the owner of it smiled at everyone. She looked like an older version of Mikan except her hair was slightly pink and eyes quite identical. The brats stared at her in surpise for silencing Tsubasa.

"Hey - you guys are the bands the two idiots are working with right?

Still staring at her, they slowly nodded.

"Mikan, who is she?" Natsume questioned. He looked creeped out - much to her suprise

"You've never met her before?! She's Tsubaka's fiancé, Misaki Harda."

Natsume's eyes widened and he groaned. "He has a fiancé?"

Mikan smirked at Natsume's comment and proudly answered. "Yeah."

Ruka slowly walked over to her and whispered, "Isn't it creepy that his fiancé looks like you?"

"Well...now that you think about it...Our feautures were similar, but she looked so much more mature." Ruka gave Mikan a look,

"Interoggate him."

Hotaru sighed. It now or they were never going to the suite.
"Okay guys. The ugly lady at the desk -" She paused as she took  a last glance at them with a smirk, "-said we were on the 32nd floor, room 400 and 401. Girls in 400 and boys in 401. Tsubasa can pay for another room with Misaki - we don't care about Tono. Nodacchi can room with Tono. You will not using the Bands' accounts, Tsubaka - you too Tono. Anyway, once your in, sleep. Let's go now."

"Sure..." They all replied tiredly.

Mikan cocked an eyebrow and scoffed, "What a crap reply. MORE ENTHUSIASM!" She commanded.

"Sure!" The coursed with sarcasm.

"You're all so boring."

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