Found him..

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A/N: EDITED! If you're new, ignore this.

Some days later from the after party, was a chat going on between two old friends. Ah yes, Tsubasa Andou and Tonouchi Akira - two mangers.

Tsubasa was the manager for 'Shinigamis and Tonoichi for 'Elements. Tsubasa called his old friend - which was very rare. He loathed him, but held a hint of respect for him.

"Hello Tono you there?"

"Yeah - wait. Tsubasa! YOU'RE CALLING ME?! Oh wow this is a -"

"So I was thinking my band is looking for a place in the Star Recognition concert and so are yours right?"

"Ignoring the fact that you just cut me off, yeah -"

"So why don't we merge bands? Both of our groups have great talent. We already have a 6 department tour bus."


" 6:15. We'll be there."



The girls along with their manager Tsubasa drove in the long black limozine. Everyone was calm except for Sumire. She was excited, since Tsubasa said he had 'something to tell and show them'. "So-so Tsubasa! Who are we meeting!! Perhaps 'White Path' or '64 days'??? Ooh maybe even the 'The Last Time' hmm, hmm?"

He sighed. It was a surprise but obviously didn't want one.

"I'm not telling Permy . Wait til we get there."

"Don't call me Permy. Why? Why do you all still call me that? We aren't five year olds anymore!"

"Hn." Hotaru 'said' nodding her head. "Not to long now so let's keep this silence up." Tsubasa then leaned over and head locked her with a grin. "Aww...Hotaru-chan is a wittle annoyed? Do you nweed a hug???"

"Stop. Your idiot braincells will transfer to me."

"Is that the way to speak to childhood friend?"

"Shut up." Tsubasa frowned and let her go, giving Mikan a sad look


Mikan and the others descended the limozine. Tsubasa led the way holding Mikan's hand just to annoy her, since she disliked affection from him as she grew older.. "Here it is!" He pushed the door open allowing his band to walk in. They saw 5 figures on the couch and a taller figure standing.

"Mikan?" One of them asked. IT was a little dark so her eyes could barely see who it was.

"Huh, you know Polka?" She rolled her eyes at the voice - but realization hit her.


"What do you mean 'Duh'."

"Oh my god!!! The whole band Elements?!!" Hotaru excalimed with rather obvious sarcasm. "Why are we here here, Tsubaka?"

"Natsume she is my freaking sister of course I know who she is."

'Sis- Ruka?' , Mikan snapped her head to the voice. "Ruka?" He looked at her stood up and hugged her. "Where the hell have you been?! You havrn't visited me in three years. What happened to 'every three weeks, I'll come over.'

A sad smile graced her face as she looked at him. "You moved house."

Natsume started laughing along with Hotaru getting looks from the others - them being the rarest two to laugh.

As Ruka broke away from the hug, he glared at Natsume before punching (well trying) him in the arm in anger.


"Well anyway moving back on track the reason why your here is to merge groups."

Sumire started blinking. "Sorry, did I here you properly?"

"Come again?" Anna asked her eyes widenning.

"Tch. He said merge groups. Although, why? We're doing fine. Shizune was gonna join." Mikan commented taking a seat by Ruka.

Natsume frowned - he actually like the idea. "Who cares about -"

"Anyway," Tsubasa said cutting him off, earning him a glare. "We will be staying over at Mikans house...more like you will."

"Why my house. I don't like people being there. They could..."

Hotaru walked over to Mikan and whispered something in her ear. Mikan nods. "Fine. Under one condition. No one except Hotaru, Natsume and me can answer doors. Only because they've been there before. And more than twice." Everyone nodded excluding the boys.

"Natsume?! You've been seeing girls behind my back? We could've gone together-" Mikan smacked Koko's head.

"No baka. Natsume is my friend. And only my friend. He's slept over, eaten and done whatever in my house before. That's what friends do." Natsume by now had mentally died due to being eaten in the friend zone.

" more careful with words."

"I'm not friend zoning him. Well he ain't my boyfriend so what do you want me to say? My closer friend? What the hell should I say?"

"Hmmmm. Anyway let's get to your house!" Anna cheered with Kitsu and Koko, the trio with grins on their faces.

"Yeah Yeah. I'll call a car to get us." Mikan got out her phone from her sweat pants pocekt and dialled a number.

"Hey! Yeah send us a car - all you have to do is drive it here and then....okay. Sure, yeah! Okay bye."

Natsume frowned, "Why can't he just drive us?"

"It's his day off." Mikan replied. Hotaru looked up from her phone. "Who's driving?"

A loud silence overtook the room, the teenagers all looking away from one another. Sumire sighed and shook her head, "I'll -"

"NATSUME, YOU DRIVE!" Nonoko exclaimed with a fake smile. He frowned looking at her and Sumire. Mikan gave him a pleading look causing him to sigh. "I don't want to."

She smiled. "No. Natsume all I know is that you can drive. Cause your my frie-"

"Okay. Fine I'll drive. Oh - which house? Not the summer one right?"

"No, no. Just my normal one. The smallest one."


A beep was heard outside making her stand up.

"That's him. Let's go."

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