Chapter Forty Nine

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My favorite chapter to date hihihi 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊

Please read my A/N below for a little announcement(?) lol


Bright leans on the closet door as he watches Kongpob pack his things for the third time. The first was when he moved to the dorm and the second one was when he left for the US. He can't believe he'll see him pack for the third time today.

"You're not yet married, right?" and that just made his younger brother roll his eyes.

"Well, you cannot secretly get married in our country since it's not yet legal... but..." Bright brought his hand up to hold his chin as if he's thinking deeply.

"You could have gotten married when you were in the US..." he paused as he looked up.

"Then again... I don't think Arthit left the country-"

"Oh my God P'Bright please!" Kongpob stood up as he raised his arms in frustration.

"We're not married, okay?!" sometimes, even with someone with the best patience like him can just snap if you have a brother like... Bright.

His response made Bright laugh so hard that he almost had to sit on the floor with how his body bends in so much laughter.

"I am just making sure okay?" he finally replied after he wiped away some tears at the corner of his eyes.

"You're moving in with your boyfriend... though you're practically married." Bright shrugged his shoulder as Kongpob looked at him pointedly.

"You better not hide your wedding-"

"Phiiiii!!!" the last time Kong whined like this was when they were younger, Bright never thought he'll see him whine with his whole being just because he's teasing him for moving in with his brother.

"I can still come and visit, right?" Bright suddenly asked as he sat at the edge of Kongpob's bed.

"You're not going to do miracles all the time like you're rabbits on heat, right?" he immediately added when he saw Kongpob open his lips to respond. His statement made his brother shut his eyes as he pursed his lips, obviously trying to control his temper. Bright is always having fun in teasing Kongpob these days. It may be stressful to be in the middle of his best friend and brother, but the joy of teasing them and receiving this reaction compensates for it.

"But seriously Kong, you're not going to do it at all corners right? I haven't seen the place yet but the pictures you shared already showed how it is possible for you to-"

"Phi!!!" and Bright ended up rolling over Kongpob's bed while laughing because of his frustrated brother.

"I'm going to miss you around the house, Kong."


Kongpob smiles as he opened the door revealing Arthit's friends, including his lovely brother.

"Welcome to our place!" Kongpob greeted them as they entered their place for the first time.

"Holy wow Kong this place so good!" Toota immediately commented as they entered.

"I can't believe you got this place for yourself, Kong." Knot added as they started to look around, obviously being the first 'guests' to arrive for this little house warming that Kongpob and Arthit are holding.

Honestly, the couple didn't plan to have one but having friends who wanted to just see their place (aka Arthit's best friends) they ended up having one.

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