chapter 1

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August 10, 2010 a.t.b

Lelouch pov

My face felt wet, slightly salty water seemed to be streaming down from me for some reason, my face felt sooty and dirty for some reason. 'Where am I?', ' are these tears?', 'why am I crying?'. it seems I was reincarnated, but I feel weird, my heart is aching, I am trying to speak but am unable to, I feel calm but somehow I knew I was supposed to be horrified and devastated. I finally opened my eyes, I could see that we were in some sort of military convoy, I tried moving my head but I noticed General Todoh.

Normal pov

"Luluko, you're finally awake, how do you feel?", Todoh asked solemnly looking towards the broken princess who was streaming with tears but gave off an aura od unnatural calmness. Todoh could not quite understand what had happened to her, one moment she was thrashing and threatening to go to Nunnally's side, the next moment she is unusually calm for someone in her state.' this is how different the Britanian royal children are, poor child, first her mother now her dear sister', Todoh thought, unable to stop holding back the tears, he looked at her with a sorrowful expression." it's okay to cry luluko, do not stop yourself, you are safe here,  don't try hold back your tears, grief is part of the process"

Luloko looked at him with bewilderment in her eyes and asked, " What is the matter General, here are we going?". Todoh, could not stop himself and pulled her towards a warm hug, he was confused as to why she was acting this way. 'Nunnally was the most precious thing in her life yet why did she exude such an aura of calmness. Maybe the trauma got to her and affected her memories', Todoh though as he was starting to feel resistance from the girl. besides, Luluko never called me General'.

"Like I said General, What is the matter, can you please explain the circumstances we are facing?".  After hearing that Todoh thought that she needed to know in order to grow.  so, with a  mournful expression, he said, "Luluko, Nunnally is dead"

Lelouch POV

as Todoh said those words I could feel the blood leaving my face, I felt my face contort and I started to scream. Nunnally could not be dead, she is Nunnally even if she is not the same Nunnally from my world. How could this have happened? , I wanted to live peacefully with C.C and Nunnally, but it would seem fate had other plans. 

I calmed down and pulled away from his hug, then I looked up at him and asked, "How did this happen?". those where the only words that escaped my lips, I thought coming here from another place would detach me from the feelings I had towards Nunnally, but it seems where ever I go Nunnally is always going to be the world. It took him quite a while to return to normal as his sorrowful expression was replaced by one of utter shock. I am quite shocked as well as to how I am handling the situation myself. 

Then  Todoh rubbed his eyes and gave a solemn smile as to reassure me and said, "You are a strong girl Luluko. The escape vehicle from the Kururugi shrine which had Nunnally was exploded by the enemy forces, she is no longer with us."

I expected as much, poor... Nunnally, I wonder how Nunnally was with luluko? I looked at the general with the calmest facade I could have mustered and asked, " What are the circumstances, and where are we?"

" I took you to the operations base at Narita before the attack started. Currently, we are headed towards the Imperial cabinet office of Kyoto, to keep you safe."

"I would ask for there to be no need for my protection...could you kindly explain the war situation and inform me of the type of weapons the enemy has, General?"

Todoh, raised an eyebrow, I could tell He was not expecting this. If my new memory serves correctly, I did have quite good connections with the pre-war cabinet. the prime minister acknowledged my knowledge and took me too see some of his meetings, so if I play my cards right, I may be able to fend off the Britanians and hopefully turn the tide of this war.

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