Oblivious {S.S}

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You have known Stiles for what feels like your whole life. You were Scott's little sister so I guess that helped in the process of getting to know Stiles. You three were all so close and became a trio all the teachers dreaded. You were only a year younger than Scott but he acted as if it was way more than that.

It was lunch and you and Stiles were sitting in the cafeteria talking. You loved talking to Stiles because the conversation always flowed easily, not to mention he has been your crush for as long as you can remember. Any time you found the chance to talk to Stiles or stare at him you jump at the chance. However, you weren't prepared for the question that Stiles decided to bring up.

"So, who do you like?" He asks. Your head snaps in his direction, away from your food.

"What?" You reply.

"Surely you like someone right? Who is it?" He pushes, trying to get you to answer. You immediately feel your breath catch in your throat, cheeks turning pink.

"No... I- I don't like anyone" you try to convince him but he knows you so well that he knows when you are lying.

"Oh come on... I'll tell you my crush if you tell me yours" he tries to bargain but that just makes your heart break. You always had a suspicion that he liked Lydia, and since he is willing to tell you who he likes, that means it is her. You tried to hold back your tears, looking down in your lap. No matter how hard you tried, you felt the tears roll down your cheeks and hit your lap.

"Um... I- I gotta g-go... I'll see you around Stiles" you mumble as you grab your bag, leaving your half-eaten food on the table as you rush out of the cafeteria, emotions flooding through you.

You walk quickly through the halls, keeping your head down trying to escape the school as quick as you can. Suddenly, you bump into someone.

"Sorry" you mutter as you try to keep walking but an arm reaches out and grabs you, stopping you from leaving.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Scott asks, worry in his eyes.

"It's... it's nothing, I just found out something that doesn't feel good so I need to go home" you say, taking your arm out of his grasp, carrying on with your journey out of the school.

Scott watches you leave with a puzzled look on his face, he decides to go to the cafeteria trying to find Stiles to see if he knew anything about why you were upset. He finds Stiles staring into space with half-eaten food next to him that Scott could tell was yours.

"Stiles? Do you know why Y/n was crying?" He asks as he sits in the seat you had been sitting in.

"She was crying?" He asks, eyes widening.

"Yeah, do you know why?" Scott asked again, seeing if Stiles knew why.

"I mean, we were talking and I asked her who she liked because I was curious, and I wanted to see if she likes me back, so when I asked a second time I said 'I will tell you my crush if you tell me yours' and then-" Stiles rambled.

"You asked her what?" Scott slightly yelled, baffled on how his friend could be so stupid yet be one of the smartest in the school.

"I asked her-" Stiles starts to repeat.

"I heard, Stiles. God, how can you be so oblivious?" Scott facepalms.

"What do you mean?" Stiles questioned. Scott just rolls his eyes.

"She likes you, Stiles! You are her crush and since you told her you would tell her who you like in order to find out her crush, that made her think you don't like her. Sometimes at home she comes crying to me because she thinks you would never like her back and I have to calm her down. She thinks you like Lydia for god sake! Stop being so oblivious and go get her, man!" Scott places his hands on Stiles's shoulders and shakes him, trying to get some common sense into him.

"Oh my god, how could I be so stupid?" He asks himself before rushing out of school to try and find you.

Stiles gets to your house and opens the door knowing it was already unlocked.

"Y/n?!" He yells while walking upstairs to your room. He reaches your bedroom door and knocks on the door.

"Y/n?" He asks softly but he never got a reply. He put his ear up against that door and heard muffled cries coming from inside. His heart breaks knowing he was the one who caused those tears. He puts his back against the door and slides down to the floor, knowing if he starts talking you would be able to hear him.

"There is this girl, I know. My crush... I've had a crush on her probably since the moment I laid my eyes on her. She is just so beautiful, but she can't see that, she has the kindest heart and always puts others before herself, she even has great sarcasm, when we are talking and I say something sarcastic she shoots straight back with something even more sarcastic than what I said. These are just a few things on why I like her so much but.... there is one problem. I messed up, I messed up big time. I messed up pretty bad and I'm trying to fix it but, how can I fix it when I'm sitting against her bedroom door and she won't open it to let me in.... not giving me the chance to tell her I love her" Stiles finishes, leaning his head against the door sighing. He was about to get up and leave when he felt the door open and he stood up immediately. You stood in front of him, your eyes red and puffy.

"You love me?" You whisper, looking up at him.

"Yeah... Yeah I do" he mutters, tucking his hands in the pockets of his trousers, looking at his feet. You smile and walk towards him, you place your hands on the side of his face and lift his face up.

"I love you too" you say with a smile and bring his face to yours as you kiss him. Stiles brings his hands to your waist, pulling you closer as he deepens the kiss. Eventually, the two of you need air so you pull away.

"Do you maybe... wanna go on a date sometime?" He asks, hands still on your waist, your hands now on his shoulders.

"I'd love to" you say before hugging him.

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