Lost in fire - Ariana Grande Pt.1

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The 12am streets of New York had been nothing less than still. Besides the unavoidable New York City traffic, it was super calm. Ariana and Courtney, the unbreakable duo, roamed the streets freely. The paparazzi had no clue where they were, thanks to Courts brilliant idea of wearing disguises hours before. To any reasonably sane person—it was dangerous, no bodyguards, no protection, no sunlight. But to be fair there was also the matter that the duo were in no way sane. In-fact, the only 'close to sane' one had been Ariana, who knew they were under 'close watch' no matter how persistently she opposed.

Their night of activity was fun, no intrusion, no uncertainty, and no worry. Who knew the way devils were portrayed in movies were in her case far from the truth? Certainly not Ariana. They decided to take a shortcut to Ariana's penthouse from the theatre as the night ended. The pair found themselves walking through an alleyway, what they had not anticipated was three drunken men, from the strip club down the block, hiding in the shadows.

"Damn baby!...What y'all doing out here all alone?".

Ariana and Courtney kept walking, with their head held high. The men were lean, and moronic due to the amount chemicals from hair gel, sinking into their brains.

"Hey bitch, I'm talking to you" one of them grumbled reaching forward to grab Ariana's wrist. The shorter girl snapped her head around yanking her wrist out of his hold. "Fuck off" Courtney gritted.

Another one came up grabbing Courtney's shoulder "What did you just say to him?..." he paused and then smirked, "These two are gonna do us just right...Grab em!" the guy closest to Ariana reached for her.

In a large motion, it was like time stopped, but not fully. The slow-motion caused by the fiery figure that sped through the alleyway was unnoticeable to the untrained human eye. In a flash, before the man could rest a fingertip on Ariana, he and all the others were burning dead on the ground. The girls had two different types of reactions. Confusion and horror spread on Courtney's face, expectance and irritation on Ariana's.

"Oh my god! What the hell just fucking happened", the taller girl trembled with tear swelling in her eyes. Ariana wrapped her arms around Courtney "I-I don't know, but C'mon we've got to get out of here before shit else happens" she said ushering her out of the alley quickly. The bodies still laid there burning unaware of what waited for them at the gates of hell.

Darkness. Total darkness. The concept of heaven and hell, had no weight compared to the concept of darkness. Heaven is described as a common transcendent, a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death. While hell is the a place regarded a spiritual realm of evil and suffering. But what is in-between the journey from the living to one of these realms?

The answer is darkness. As darkness and silence is in actuality the bliss felt before a lifetime of suffering. Simply because of this, the four perpetrators or any perpetrators that are sentenced to my realm—or should I say my dads realm— will be subjected to the blissfulness of a few minutes with darkness and total silence. That is until they are robbed of that state and made to endure pain, in an endless cycle. It is in every-way true that yearning for that state through an eternity of torture causes the most anguish.

"Jason Kelvin, Trevor Heldon, Georgie Flurment, and River kasha. You boys are in huge trouble", I smirked.  My legs were crossed and my feet were propped up on my desk.

"Where the hell are we?"Jason asked looking around my office. Everything was black, grey and brown. My walls, my desk, my chair. The only light came from the ones in the ceiling and Led light strips on my shelves.

"Hell", I said in all seriousness. Jason scoffed and rolled his eyes. Georgie stood up, and walked over to the window, he moved the blind to the side, "why is there a view of Central Park in hell?", he spoke into the window.

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