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A/N: I'm going to be doing one part a day but this one is just a bonus cuz the book just came out so

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Ciara's P.O.V
Ciara: Attention Squad!!!
Arc: No need to shout we're right here.
Ciara: So on Friday night there will be a ceremonial feast to celebrate the return of Princess Eliza
Warwick: Yeah, that's one more princess that can't get her hands off me
Prudence: Of course if you were dreaming.
Arc: No, I really think Ciara would be great for you
Ciara: *Steps on Arc*
Arc: Ow! Or not
Ciara: Anyway, ummm Sir Garreth wants us to do a special welcome stunt so any ideas?
???: Don't show up
Ciara: Let me guess, Sage?
Sage: Hmmm, how'd you know?
Ciara: Just pick the person that's least likely to be nice
Sage: Anyway....I want in on the stunt.
Arc: Why?
Sage: Because I care. Eliza is like Ciara. If she were the opposite if herself
Ciara: Was the while point of coming here to take a cheap shot at me.
Sage: Oh please nothing I do is ever cheap.
Prudence: Let me guess you want to sabotage us and swoop in as the better knight
Sage: Maybe yes, maybe no but definitely yes
Ciara: No thank you
Sage: Fine *leaves*

_Knight Squad Room_
Arc: I can't believe Eliza's actually back
Ciara: Well believe it
Arc: Hold on, you're dad didn't let you go to knight school because Eliza hadn't returned.
Ciara: And so?
Arc: It's so ironic how she's here when he knows  plus you need to discuss the whole sister knight thing
Ciara: Right, but that'll have to be after the feast, I don't want any distractions at all.
Arc: Oh right, the stunt
Ciara: Speaking of which do you have any ideas?
Arc: Well I thought about it and I came up with... chicken?
Ciara: Chicken, you couldn't have come up with a better lie than chicken
Arc: What? It's only been like 15 minutes since you told us
Ciara: No excuses

*A creepy looking man walks through a portal*

Ciara: When you see a random portal are you supposed to scream or freak out?
Arc: What's the difference?
Ciara: 3, 2, 1
Both: *scream*
Drex: Can it freaks. I'm not a member of this useless universe.
Arc: Okay that was hurtful
Ciara: Give it a rest, he's evil... obviously
???: I'm not evil but I am Drex
Ciara: *draws out her sword* Well you're gonna be sorry when I'm done
Drex: Cute... swords *blasts their weapons and thy turn to dust*
Ciara: Run before he disintigrates us
Arc: Way ahead of you
Drex: Not so fast!
Ciara: Oh no
Drex: I want to know where I am and how I got here
Ciara: Well you're bin Astoria and you got here through a hole and why are you asking us?
Arc: Captain what?
Ciara: Kid who?
Drex: Superheroes?
Ciara: Frist of all, we don't know who those people are and second, the closest thing we have to a superhero is the Kraken Phoenix squad
Drex: Let me guess you're the Kraken Phoenix squad?
Arc: I'm glad you noticed
Drex: *blasts Arc*
Arc: *dodges* I think we should run
Arc and Ciara: *run out*

_Tasty Trunk_
Warwick's P.O.V

Warwick: What are we doing exactly?
Prudence: Well, we're getting the cake
Warwick: Friday's still a bit far, why are we ordering it now?
Prudence: so they can get it ready on time.
Warwick: Ohhhh
???: YOU GUYS!
Warwick: Ciara chill...I know you're jealous of the princess Eliza...they just can't get enough but there will be enough Warwick to go around
Prudence: Warwick
Warwick: Yeah?
Prudence: Stop
Ciara: Anyway...some freaky looking guy just jumped out of a hole in the air and disintigrated our swords
Arc: That sword was a Birthday present
Warwick: Yeah, from me...this guy's is taking too far
Ciara: There's no time to waste I think he followed us but still we can...
Arc: Too late
???: Who is that and what is he holding
Prudence: Yeah, I've never seen anything like it
Arc: Yeah and you'll never see anything again if he BLASTS YOU

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