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Ciara's P.O.V
Ray: I'm not leaving here until I get to use at least one modern weapon
Henry: We can't, the butterfly effect
Ray: Fine, toss us some swords
Ciara and Eliza: *give them one sword each*
Prudence: ATTACK!
Warwick: *attacks two guards and continuously hits their sword with few flips* Why stress myself  "Collapse and disappear"

*Both guards fall of a cliff*

Prudence: Attempts to smash another guard with her hammer bits the ground instead*
Buttercup: *hits him from behind*
Prudence: Nice job

Ray: *tries to use his sword bit continuously gets hit* I HATE SWORDS
Henry: *skillfully fights against Drex* Hey this isn't so bad
Claire: *comes behind him with a sword*
Ciara: *pushes her out* Henry, finish him!
Drex: I don't think so *brings out a device from Swellview present*
Ray: That is not Astorian sword
Henry: It's from the Mancave
Both: Oh no
Drex: *blasts every Astorian one by one*
Eliza: Ciara we have to go *dodges one blast*
Ciara: Let's go
Ciara, Eliza, Arc, Prudence, Warwick, Sage, Buttercup, Henry, Ray: *escape*


Eliza: Looks like this is the end
Ciara: The entire kingdom is surrounded, guards on every corner
Warwick: Claire and her magic harming innocent Astorians
Prudence: The castle turned to a dungeon
Sage: I say we give Drex, Henry and Ray
Henry: You are the most heartless person I have ever met
Sage: Awwn, thanks it's a skill
Ray: Any luck with communication?
Henry: Offline but have faith
Ray: Henry that's what you've been saying, we're at our fourth day, and there's no way one of them's just gonna appear
???: Oh really
Henry: Charlotte! *Hugs her*
Ray: You know, I've never been so happy to see you
Charlotte: Hey what's that supposed to mean?
Henry: A lot of hurtful things...
Charlotte: *rolls her eyes*
Henry: Anyway, these are knights...Ciara, Prudence, Buttercup, Arc, Warwick, Sage and Eliza. Eliza and Ciara are not only knights but are Princesses of Astoria. Warwick has magic. Prudence is a giant. Buttercup is super nice, nothing really special about Arc except he says Wazzow a lot.
Arc: Wow, real nice
Henry: And Sage is pure evil but of course is on the good side
Sage: It's a skill
Ray: Well that was a wonderful introduction, what is that?
Charlotte: Well, in Swellview now there's been some slight changes
Ray: How slight?
Charlotte: A lot of changes
Henry: Okay...what happened?
Charlotte: Well, for starters...a group of men found the Mancave and are tearing it apart *starts to look extremely sad* Luckily Schwoz and Jasper got away
Ray: And?
Charlotte: You guys are still popular ...as the most hated people in Swellview. No more man fans, our school is a public dump and our dictator leader is Dr. Minyak but he's working alongside the toddler and Drex's duplicate in our universe
Ray and Henry: The butterfly effect
Charlotte: So now, the only way to stop Drex is to use this and go back on time.

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