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Ray's P.O.V
_Training Area_

Henry: I just had the best day ever. I was actually talking to Iara, continuously and...
Ray: Henry not the time
Henry: Oh yeah, any feedback from the Mancave?
Ray: Nope... let's just have faith
Ray: Fine
Henry: But Drex is no easy villain to find sooner or later he's gonna find us, we need a plan.
Ray: You're the one assuring me that the Mancave computer will be fixed in no time
Henry: Okay but we still need to do something
Ray: We can't do anything without our tech
Henry: Ray, I made an oath to be your sidekick and we made an oath to protect, and if we can't do it in Swellview right now then make Astoria your Swellview
Ray: Astoria may be a magic juju village, but Kid, you're right, I made an oath to protect and that's what I need to do
Henry: Ummm, you mean we right?
Ray: Nope just me
Henry: Of course
Ray: Time for Captain man to fight crime
Henry: Feels good

Ciara's P.O.V
Eliza: *walks in* Hey Ciara, how's the feast coming?
Ciara: Great, we got some extra help from Ray and Henry
Eliza: Speaking of which we need to talk
Ciara: If you're asking why they seem strange I cuz they're kind off from another universe called Swellview as two famous superheroes
Eliza: Not that, I kinda saw you and Henry giggling and flirting and I gotta ask
Ciara: Eliza you come back safely from knight stuff and the first thing you do I assault me.
Eliza: Ciara, I practically missed part of us growing up together, that's why I'm glad you're a knight, so we can be closer to tell each other thinhs like this. What's going on?
Ciara: We're two people who had a short meaningful conversation about life
Eliza: You're sure?
Ciara: A hundred percent
Eliza: Fine, but make good choices *leaves*
???: *Jumps through the window* Ciara
Ciara: *turns around in shock* Ray! You scared me half to death
Ray: Too bad it was only half
Ciara: Wow. Look who called me bossy Mr. Arrogant
Ray: I am not arrogant
Ciara: I doubt you can spell arrogant
Ray: THE POINT IS...I've come to assure our deal
Ciara: Yes as soon as the feast ends we search for Drex
Ray: Good... it's time to do this
Henry's P.O.V
-Passing Through the hallway-
???: I don't know whether I like her, I just don't like him with her
Henry: *looks through a space where the door is slightly open*
Sage: That's some deep stuff Arc, but you can't just force them not to bond
Arc: Yeah, but I'm actually a really close friend, he's a universe alien stealing my thunder
Sage: What thunder do you have?
Arc: Hey!
Sage: I'm just asking
Arc: So Sage, any device
Sage: Arc, Astoria isn't done fairytale dreamland although it looks like one but it isn't, Arc, Ciara is permitted to like or talk to whoever she wants but you can't force her to like you as more than friends
Arc: You know what, you're right
Sage: I know
Arc: I've gotta stop waiting but I can't stop loving
Henry: Woah

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