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Ciara's P.O.V
_Squad Room_
Ciara: I can't believe there aren't any new knight students
Arc: I can, Sir Garreth is kinda behind on his teaching. If you guys want students, you've gotta get a young Wazzow person *does a backflip* WAZZOW!!!
Warwick: Show off
Prudence: For sure
Sage: ENOUGH nerd talk, we came not to discuss the new knights in training, but to meet Sir Garreth
Henry: You're the "almighty" Sir Garreth?
Sir Garreth: Of course
Henry: Well that's disappointing
Ray: Yeah, K expected more height and at least two eyes or some hair dude, hair.
Sage: You know, I'm starting to like you guys
Buttercup: Isn't that because they're insulting Sir...
Sage: *steps on her*
Buttercup: Ow!
Sir Garreth: If you're done being snobby teenagers and a snobby adult with two eyes and hair, anyway if you're done...the Question you wanted to ask?
Henry: Now, with Astoria being a team, do you have an books Universe transportation?
Sir Garreth: Universe transportation *brings something out of the shelf* I'm not sure but this is the only book I have on Universe transportation, it's called "Relm Rules amd Universe Laws"
Ray: Ugh, here we go again with the magic talk, can we hurry this up and get back to Swellview?
Henry: Look, I know fairytales aren't your thing but just compromise so we can hurry it up
Ciara: I'll do it *opens the book* When it comes to Universes there are Morden Societies, Opposite Universes, Cross gender universes and minor Universes. Under minor Universes we have fairytales and... Astoria is here
Henry: Any Relm laws we need to follow?
Prudence: Ummm yeah, you can't stay here for more than Five days and watch out for the butterfly effect
Warwick: And you thought weird magic book was weird
Sage: No, weird was finding out Ciara's actually the princess
Ciara: No weird is working together with you
Henry: Look it doesn't matter what you guys think weird is, we need to send Drex back before he caused any more damage or the butterfly effect, whatever that is.
Warwick: Butterfly effect, a major change caused by little occurances either in the past or in another relm
Buttercup: Butterfly, just like buttercup
Arc: O_Kay... anyway, how can we help?
Ray: Use you voodoo and find Drex
Ciara: Hold on...before we help you, you have to help is. My sister's ceremonial feast is in two days which won't overlook your stay...so help is make it a success and then we'll send you guys and Drex back in one piece
Henry: Great, pretty and demanding
Ray: Not the time to flirt
Ciara: Look is it a deal?
Henry: We don't have much of a choice, we can't fight magic with science tech here
Ray: Fine...deal
Sir Garreth: Hold on, we can use the feast to veg more students for knight school
Warwick: Ummm...and how will that work?
Sir Garreth: Easy, every Astorian kid will be there and once they are how awesome the latest knights are, my admission desk will be more full than the hair I used to have, long, full, beautifully flowing hair that could just...
Ray: Okay, we get it, it's gone now
Ciara: Okay so who's helping I and Arc with decor
Henry: Me! I mean, why not...I did single handedly prepare my little sister's birthday party
Ray: Yeah but didn't your mum have to...
Henry: *steps in Ray*
Ray: That didn't hurt even little bit
Henry: Really, not even just a little?
Ray: Well, I feel a tickle
Henry: That doesn't make me feel any better
Prudence: Okay! We get it!
Sage: I'm on team not Ciara and also Warwick might mess up the order
Ray: Yeah me too, sorry Ciara but I think you're too... what's the word...bossy
Henry: *murmuring* Look who's talking
Ray: What was that?
Henry: Nothing...just murmuring something against you.
Arc: Which means Buttercup's here
Ciara: Okay, let's do this
*Henry's watch triple beeps*
Sage: What's that noise?
Ray: Yeah, Henry?
Henry: Ummm... I just remembered I have to quickly check my muffins *runs out*
Ray: Yeah I better go help him *runs behind him*

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