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Henry's P.O.V
Charlotte: ...so are you guys ready?
Henry: Uhhh... it's kind of a lot to take in
Charlotte: Just press the button and everything goes back to how it was in the beginning
Ray: Yah Henry, back to normal
Henry: Oh can I at least say my goodbyes
Charlotte: Why not?
Henry: Alone, I need to say goodbye to the tunnels
Ray: Weirdo...come on, but hurry up
Charlotte: *drops the machine on the couch*
All except Henry: *leave*
Henry: For a tunnel it sure is big *makes sure the coast is clear*

Henry: *picks up the device and smashes it* I know what I'm doing is kinda wrong but honestly, I can't just loose Ciara, not just yet *leaves*

_Later on back at the tunnels_
Ciara: I kinda wish we could still know you
Henry: Yeah me too
Ray: But what has to be done has to, now let's do this *searches for the device* Hey Charlotte, where is it?
Charlotte; Oh...I dropped it right there on the...*notices it's gone* Couch?
Prudence: Don't tell me the "device" is this object broken in half still with internal damage
Warwick: I'm afraid it is
Arc: Oh DARN IT! I mean...I'd still miss you but then
Sage: I still think we give can give 'em to Drex
Buttercup: Yay!
Eliza: I think it's finally time to face the music. We have to face him head on. Who's with me?
Ciara: I'm going
Eliza: No...you need to be in here for you. I'm always out, noone even knows I do anything, but you, you are truly Astoria and I'd kill myself if Astoria dies because of me so please stay here and help them fix the orb.
Ciara: *takes a deep breath* Okay
Eliza: Anyone else?
Arc: I'll do it
Warwick: Me too
Eliza: Good. The dimwitt brothers or Magic man and Mr. Wazzow
Sage: I and Buttercup are in. Anything for knight cred and I can beat Claire without her amulet
Buttercup: She can
Ray: Henry! I'm going, you have to stay here with Charlotte so you can still chance of going back. This is my fight. I and Drex.
Henry: To be honest I was never actually gonna go
Ray: Wow...you are some sidekick
Henry: In my defence I thought you weren't going either
Ray: Yeah, I'm only going cuz I'm indestructible and these guys don't stand a chance
Sage: Eveyone suit up. We're going out
Eliza: Hey!!! That was my line
Ciara: Sage steaks everything
Sage: Hey that's Arc, I crush every dream and scent of happiness
Eliza: Okay, let's do this
Eliza, Arc, Sage, Warwick, Buttercup, Ray: *leave*
Charlotte: Come on let's fix this

Sage's P.O.V
Sage: *whispering*  Remember, be very quiet
Ray: *whispering* Noone tells me what to do
Eliza: *whispering* Shut up. Oh no. O just did
Buttercup: Yay
Warwick and Arc: Shhhhhhh!
???: *Draws out sword*
Sage: Claire...Claire... Claire...now I got you
Claire: With my magic you stand no chance
Arc: *snatches it drops if on the floor and breaks it by stepping on it*
Claire: MY AMULET! Now you've done it! GUARDS ATTACK!
Sage: *draws out he sword and seats fighting with Claire*
Arc: Warwick. We got eyes on those two
Warwick: Copy that! "You two shall slappy slappy"
Guards: *start slapping each other*
Arc: Why you hitting yourselves?
Warwick: Why you hitting yourselves?
Both: Why you hitting yourselves?
Buttercup: It's actually each other
Arc: Doesn't sound as cool
Drex: ENOUGH! Well done for warming up Claire and the rest of those idiots. Now it's time for the MAIN event.

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