Chapter 4

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Wolfgang point of view

I was preparing for another day of school as usual, I was also trying to find a way where I'll be able to tell Maho that John's crew also transferred to Oorai with the Panther II. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard knocking on the door, "Come in." I said, my dad walked in as I got up "Hey dad." I greeted "Morning son." my dad greeted back, We just stood there for a while until I spoke up "Is something wrong?" I asked, "I-I just wanted to know if you've heard from your brother or Miho." My dad replied, "No but I'm sure they're fine." I answered. My dad and I walked down to the dining table where my mother was waiting for us "Morning Wolfgang." my mum said "Morning." I replied we ate our breakfast where my dad brought something up "So son..." "Yes dad?" I asked, "Shiho has said that Maho's has felt like she's being followed recently and was going to bring up with you later at school." "Did she say anything else?" I asked concerned, my dad shook his head as the servants began clearing the table. I drove to school where I noticed Maho waiting for me at the front gate, I grabbed my gun, my bag and turned off the car before making my way over to Maho "Hey Maho." I greeted "H-Hey." she greeted back "Can I talk to you?" she asked, "That's funny I was about to ask you the same question, but sure go ahead." I said Maho gestured for me to follow which I did. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked even though I knew what it was "U-Uhm... I had a feeling of being followed." she said in a slightly scared tone "Why do feel that?" I asked "When walking home I would glance back and notice guys following me." she said still in a scared voice I listened and gestured for her to continue "Yesterday it grew from three guys to seven." Maho said an even more scared tone "I'll keep an eye out don't worry about it." I said "Thanks Wolfgang." Maho said in a calmer tone "Uhm, I just wanted to let you know that John's crew and the Panther II transferred to Oorai with John and Miho." I said "Yeah, I know." she answered. We made our way to class and for the rest of the day until the bell sounded for us to go home, I told Maho that I would trail behind her but not to close to draw attention but still within eye distance, nothing happened on the way to Maho's place where Shiho greeted us "Good evening Wolfgang, Maho." "Good evening Shiho-san." I greeted in return "Wolfgang you know you that have to address me like that." Shiho said, "Sorry, its a force of habit." I apologized. "It's alright, I have to head for a meeting Maho so I won't be home until late," Shiho said as she began walking towards the gate, "Okay mother," Maho said I could tell that she was scared to not have anyone around to call for help if something happened, I stayed at her place and sent my parents a message saying that I was probably going to be staying the night. I told Maho that I was just going to get the car and that I'll be back in a few minutes. I was walking for around a minute when something in my gut told me something was going on, as I made my way to the front of the house I noticed that the door was open when I remembered closing it on my way out at which point I sprinted into the house with my Glock drawn from my pocket. I could hear cries of help coming from upstairs which prompted me to rush my way up them, I got to Maho's bedroom door when I peaked through and noticed seven boys all between sixteen to eighteen years old around Maho trying to get her clothes off. As they managed to get most of the clothes off Maho only had her underwear and bra on, one of the boys retrieved a pocket knife from the back of his pants and said "I'm going to enjoy making you scream." with a devilish smirk as he brought the knife to Maho's chest I immediately rushed into the room, the first guy was knocked unconscious after I knocked him to the ground and another which I whacked over the head with the gun, the remaining boys and Maho were shocked to see me barge into the room unannounced, I began to attack one of the remaining boys by breaking one of his arms then knocking unconscious before the remaining four began to process what was occurring I used my most recent victim as a weapon and began hitting another attacker with him "Have you ever been beaten up with an Asian man? Not by an Asian man but with an Asian man?" I asked with a smirk to what was now an unconscious body. I proceeded to kick the shit out of the other two guys in the room until I was caught in a standoff with the boy with the knife who I presumed was the leader, as he charged I fired a single shot from my gun into his chest which caused him to fall in pain, both Maho and the boy were shocked by the fact that I had just shot the boy, as I kicked the knife from the boy I knelt down next to him, a look pure terror washed over him as I still had the gun firmly in my hand, I used my other hand to reach over to pick up the rubber bullet I fired at him "Incredible thing isn't it?" I asked referring to the bullet my eye's still staring into him "You ever try something like this again the next time you see this gun it will be the last thing you see." I said in a menacing tone, the boy only nodded in response before I knocked him out with the gun, I got up and began to walk towards Maho where she was still trying to comprehend what the hell just happened, "You okay?" I asked with a concerned voice, Maho looked up to me before pulling me into a tight embrace before mumbling "yes, thank you." I called an ambulance and told Maho to get dressed and to come with me to get the car. Once we returned to her place we spent the rest of the night watching a few movies before going to bed where we just cuddled each other.

I hope you guys liked this chapter again this is probably going to be the regular size of the chapters for now on anyways I'll be sure to update soon.

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