Yandere!Japan x Fem! Reader 🌸Cherry Blossom🌸

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                                             -Your POV-

Kiku Honda. A name you were all to familiar with, his family was quiet wealthy, after all, who did not know him? Everyone talked about him, some good, some bad, you could hear murmers from the Gossip Girls behind you.

"I heard that he's insane." A blue-haired one spoke, making a purple-haired one nod at her statement. "I heard that he's coming to our school." The Orange-haired one smirked, making the other's jaws drop, "He is?!"

The girls continued gossiping, confusing you more since they were saying he was insane one minute, and got the next? It confused you to no end, making you sigh and shake your head, popping in your (F/C) ear buds into your ears. The tables were full of chattering students as you heard the familiar 'ding' of the intercom, when the principal was about to speak.

"Students please come and assemble at the gymnasium, there is a new student I want you to meet." And with that the intercom turned off, making me sigh momentarily, hearing the girls behind me squeal in excitement. Eventually everyone filed into the gym, you came in last and bumped into a black-haired boy with milk and coffee colored eyes.

"Sorry, please excuse me," I muttered out, hearing him chuckle faintly as he gazed down at me. My (E/C) hues lifted up to gaze up at him, taken aback by his hotness, subconsciously I blushes a light pink color.

"It's quiet alright (Y/N)." Eh how'd he know your name? But you just smiled up at him sheepishly before he bowed down momentarily , "Forgive me, I am Honda, Kiku."

K-K-Kiku Honda?! He just said that right? (Yes Sherlock he did) My (E/C) eyes widened as I stumbled and stuttered over each word, unknown to me he found that rather cute.

                                          -His POV-

My precious Cherry Blossom began stumbling over her words after hearing my name, making me chuckle ever so slightly, "It's alright, calm down (Y/N)."

"A-Are you s-sure?" The adorable girl stuttered again as I nodded my head in reassurance.

"I am positive," My expression remains neutral as I stepped to the side to allow her in first.

"Thanks K-Kiku," I nearly squealed over her saying my name, it made an emotion I had never felt before emerge, making me have to resist the urge to make her moan out my name. That would be meant for a later time, for now I must work to make her mine, that way she will stay with me forever.

Though I had not realised I was staring at her until I was broken from my trance by the Principal, Sensei Hikaru, as he huffed out my name, making my face become emotionless.

My eyes remained on (Y/N)'s form as she headed towards one of the bleachers, well time to get this whole thing over, maybe I can talk to my beloved (Y/N)?

                                        ✳Time Skip✳

Kiku's love stood there laughing and joking with one of those commoners, who never deserved being graced by your presence, he had to clutch his school uniform to keep from lashing out and ruining any chances that you might love him in some way. He adored your laugh and your smile, but it was not directed towards him, no it was directed towards Nekko, one of your guy friends, this made his blood book and his heart run cold.

'I'll have to rid of this problem later.' Kiku pondered to himself as he quietly approached the two of you, making a gentle smile appear on your lips, which made a familiar fuzzy sensation full his chest.

"Hey Kiku-san!" The smile was finally directed towards him, which made him feel a bit better but then he went cold again as Nekko stole your attention, yet again from him. Kiku snuffed out the urge to grasp Nekko by his throat and plunge his Katana deep inside of the scumbag's body. He slightly trembled from his sanity fading, but at the same time, your presence brought it up, it exhausted him to no end, a mental battle was rampaging through his mind currently.

Soon Nekko left Kiku and you there before he finally growled out, "I don't want you near him (Y/N)." The time made your blood run cold as you gazed up at him, with your mouth agape, "W-Why?"

He knew you would not understand, so he just sighed, "Just-Just don't go near him, he wants to hurt you." The girl frowned gazing up at him with an eyebrow raised before sighing and mumbling, "Whatever." Kiku felt rage bubbly inside him before drawing in a deep breath and briskly walked away before he hurt you.

                               ✳Later that Night✳

"Ooh Nekko-kun~" Kiku's tone was lethal as he said his victim 's name, circling the make currently tied up and blindfolded.

"Fuck off." Nekko growled in response as Kiku giggled, removing the blindfold from his face, green eyes stared lethal-like into Brown ones. Except Kiku's eyes were a much redder Brown as his sanity slipped as he allowed his thoughts to merge over to you, your smile and everything. A love-sick smile appeared on his face as he ran his hand along the katana blade in his hands, careful not to cut himself.

"Do you remember what I said about getting close to (Y/N)~?" Nekko rolled his eyes, not answering the angry Yandere in front of him, which resulted in him getting punched in the face.

"Ugh." Nekko muttered after the first blow while Kiku placed the blade along Nekko's neck. A maniacal laugh escaped the black-haired male as he applied some pressure, making the overly sharp blade cut into his victim's flesh. Nekko winced but was not determined to allow Kiku the satisfaction, so he spit in the floor by his feet.

"(Y/N) will never love a monster like you!" Nekko hissed as Kiku cackled, gazing at him in front of him.

"Yes she will, I'll make sure, besides she doesn't have to know about this~" Kiku hummed sweetly as he played around with the blade and victim.

Finally he landed the last blow to Nekko, killing the male, "Oh~ My sweet, sweet cherry blossom, you shall be mine forever~"

"You'll be my one and only cherry blossom."


Heerro guys I updated again ^^ hope you enjoyed Yandere Kiku honestly he's kinda hot ooo~ *Shivers*

Anyway hope you enjoyed it and remember to request my darlings ~!!

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