Yandere! Japan x Fem!Reader- Cherry Blossom (2)

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A/N- So here's part 2 to (hehe too many tos) my Cherry Blossom one shot with a Yandere Japan *Inserts author-Chan drooling* Enjoy~~!

                                        ✒Your POV

Quietly I walked home, oblivious to the blood-coated male silently stalking me on my way home. I was busy listening to (F/S) >Favorite Song< hence why I did not notice, stupid yes, but then again I could also care less. Weirdly enough however I felt an aura of protectiveness, but could not locate the source of the feeling, then again it was daylight maybe that's why, no one would try anything in the daytime, right? (Me: No, totally not. *sarcasm*)

My shiny (H/C), (H/L), glistened (Geez I can't speak today), in the sun's shimmery rays, some blossoms fluttered down from the sakura trees I walked under, one landed in my hand when I looked down at my phone.

                                       Kiku POV

My beautiful (Y/N)  looked so cute walking home alone, it made her vulnerable, but she would not have anything to fear because I would immediately gut anyone who thought it wise to even look at her. The pink petals from the trees surrounding (Y/N) made her look so much more like a goddess, she was my goddess after all, that I nearly lost my control and had to resist my urges to kiss her and taint her body.

His brown hues remained transfixed on (Y/N)'s form as she started humming along to her music blasting through her earbuds, making her oblivious to the seemingly cruel world around her. Out of the corner of my eyes I spotted a figure in the shadows watching MY (Y/N), his gaze was sickingly as I could practically guess what he might do, I could not let him get by, with a smirk I approached him.

"Hello there~" My tone had a psychotic edge to it as the man reared around to face me, "Who the fuck are you?" I chuckled darkly before speaking, "I am Honda, Kiku."

His eyes widened just for a fraction of a second before he spoke, "Honda? As in the wealthiest family in all of Japan?" This made me nod, before he noticed I was coated in fresh blood, "Why are you-?" Before he could speak I growled, flinging him into the wall and grabbing the knife's handle, placing the cool blade against the nasty creative's throat and cackling insanely.

"Don't think I didn't see you eyeing my precious Cherry Blossom ~" My voice was extremely sweet as it seemed like my mind was about to lose all control, "Because filth like you are not even FIT to look upon her beauty." The man sweatdropped, gasping for a second, I spent a few minutes longer causing him pain before laughing and slitting his throat as the wondrous crimson color coated my face once more.

                                      Time Skip✳

It's been months since (Y/N) met Kiku and the two became friends, though when the police found Nekko's body within the first weeks of Kiku murdering him, (Y/N) was distraught and leaned on Kiku for comfort and companionship. He gladly allowed her to do so, getting jealous since she was distraught over Nekko, but eventually she got over the fact that Nekko was gone.

Unfortunately over the past few months, various boys that (Y/N) interacted with would vanish almost instantly, for the most part she did not mind. Currently she was relaxing in the library with Kiku, looking like he was observing her instead, but she could care less. One of the school bullies casually strutted up to her, "Awe the little waste of space is reading a book, is it titled 'How to Not Look Like A Whore?'" (Y/N) rolled her eyes before the book was snatched from her hands, Kiku had vanished for a few minutes returning to stand crossed-armed at the door while the bully kept talking.

"You know, I doubt any man wants a lying skank as a girlfriend like you." Kiku's voice was cold like ice making even (Y/N) shudder at the tone. If looks could kill, they'd be eliminated within mere half-seconds, terror appeared on the bully's face as they stared into his eyes, bursting in tears, "I-I was just messing w-with her! She doesn't care right (Y/N)?!"

(Y/N) glared at the bully, "Oh believe me I cared." I gritted my teeth partially glaring before taking a few breaths to calm down. Soon she had left, "Th-Thanks Kiku..." He nodded, sitting across from her with a ghost of a smile.

It was about break when Kiku had vanished but so did the bully, quietly I walked around the school, stopping when I heard the angry growl of Kiku and the cowering voice of the bully, my curiosity got the best of me so I quietly watched.

"You thought that was some perfectly flawless idea when you made fun of my beloved didn't you?!" He hissed out as the bully continued crying and shaking their head rapidly, saying 'No!' Kiku chuckled darkly, "I'm going to send you to hell then, where you'll burn for eternity." With that he stabbed them right through their heart, I gasped, making a deranged Kiku face me, his hardened features softening, "(Y-Y/N)!"

(Here's where you get choices, choice A is where you shall ignore him murdering and choice B, is to run. Personally i'd chose choice A hehe)

Choice A: Remain and Smile

(Y/N) stared at the body on the ground and the one whom had taken the corpse's life moments before, "W-Wow okay, so I'm your beloved?"

Kiku had expected a different reaction and immediately blushed but nodded, scared she would still run, but when she took a step closer, he lifted his gaze, "H-Huh?"

(Y/N) offered a gentle smile while blushing, "You killed them just for me?" Another nod from the black haired boy in front of her, "That's so sweet Kiku. " Anyone would be flabbergasted at her response, heck she even stood on her tip toes and placed a gentle kiss to his lips, making him blush but immediately wrap his arms around her and return the kiss. Blood got onto her clothes, but she didn't mind, like at all, (Y/N) was a weird girl but that was partially why he loved her.

"S-So you're n-not going to leave me?" The male spoke as she shook her head, " No, never. I love you too much. " He was supposed to be the one to confess that first but she beat him to it, "I love you more than my own life my cherry blossom." And with that they shared another heated kiss.

Choice B: Run (Why I don't know lol)

(Y/N) gasped, horrified at the scene playing out in front of her, her mind stopped for a minute before she turned and ran, hearing the distinct sound of Kiku coming after her, "(Y/N)! My love! Wait!" Her heart pounded in her ears as the adrenaline took over her actions, sprinting for the nearest safe zone, 'No this can't be real! But I saw it with my own eyes!' (Y/N) picked up her speed, unfortunately she picked it up a moment too late as Kiku tackled her and pinned her arms above her head.

He twitched violently as his sanity was extremely low, "Wh-Why'd you run from m-me (Y/N)-chan! I did it all for you! I love you so much! D-Do you love me? Say you do!" The girl squirmed and tried to escape, as she glared harshly at him.

"I could never love a monster like you." Venom laced her voice as she glared at him. His eyes widened as he felt something in him snap and used one of his hands to harshly grip her chin, "You will love me, even if I have to break you." The girl whimpered in pain as he let out a bought of maniacal laughter before using a piece of rope (Where'd you get that there? HEY YOU STOLE MY ROPE!) to roughly tie her arms together and inject some sleeping medicine into her system.

"Ah my dear cherry blossom ~" Kiku smirked, taking her to his house and locking her up for ever and ever.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter~! Honestly I would like you guys to vote in the comments if I should make a separate book for this one shot?

Also I need a co-author ~! If you would like to be my co-author either comment or send me a DM! I apologize for spelling and grammar errors this tablet in using likes to autocorrect anything and everything

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