Chapter 2~ Trouble in Paradise

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(Y/n)'s POV
It was a warm Sunday morning when I was woken up by my maid, Bailey.

(If your name is Bailey I'm really sorry)

"Miss (y/n), it's time to wake up! You have business to attend to today."

"How many times have I told you to call me (y/n) it's just us! Also, what am I doing today?"

"You have to make preparations for Lady Grace's funeral."

"Oh yes I guess i should get up then"

You moved to the side of the bed groggily as you let Bailey dress you.

You were wearing a (f/c) dress that reached just above the knees with black stockings. ( it's the dress above and the white part is your     (f/c))

As she changes you, you thought about your aunt. She had taken care of you for as long as you can remember. she was as close to a mother as you'd ever had.

'But now she's gone and it's all my fault.'
You thought to yourself.

Bailey finished dressing you and put your black shoes on and helped you off the bed.

"Mis-" she stopped herself "(y/n), breakfast will be served in the dining room shortly. Head down when you are ready."

"Ok thank you Bailey you are dismissed"

As she left the room quietly, you walked out of your room and went across the hall to your study.

It was a fairly small room with a desk at the back, book cases on the walls and a large window looking over the manors property behind your desk.

You walked to your desk and looked out the window. Sighing, you turned around and examined the papers on your desk.

They were names of people you were to inform of your aunts death and invite to her funeral. Although you didn't want to, you knew you had to do this because there was no more living family members in London and you were the only one who knew of Aunt Grace's death.

You put the papers down and decided to head to the dining room as you were getting hungry.

When you reached the large room you sat at the end of the table as Bailey walked in with a cart and a tray on it. She served you breakfast, and as she was about to leave, you stopped her.

"Bailey wait. Come eat with me it's just the two of us now and I see no reason to be so formal around each other"

"Alright miss (y/n), if you insist"

"Just (y/n)"

She giggled a little as she sat down diagonal to you and served herself some breakfast. You looked at her as she ate.

She was a pretty young woman in her twenties with long red hair that she kept in a low bun. She was very sweet and was the closest thing you had to a friend growing up.

You finished your breakfast quickly and had Bailey send for a carriage to take you into town.

She did, and she asked if she should come with you as she helped you into the carriage but you declined telling her to take the day off.

She seemed skeptical but agreed thanking you for giving her the day off.

You rode into town and the carriage pulled over and let you out. The driver said he would wait there for you to return and you nodded you head as you walked into London.

You walked along the sidewalk passing people as you went and looked for the undertakers store.

You needed to pick out a coffin for your aunt. You walked quietly your hands folded behind your back, glancing into store windows.

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