Chapter 7~ Awkward awakening

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Your POV
I woke up and realized it was way earlier then usual. I also noticed I wasn't in my manor anymore.

I was at the Phantomhive manor I could tell from the dark theme but what confused me was I wasn't in my room either.

I looked around confused and slightly dazed when I realized.

'This must be Ciel's room.'

I looked at the bed next to me and was relieved, and a little disappointed, to find it empty.

'But then, where did Ciel sleep?' I thought to myself

It was then that I realized that there was a warmth coming from my hand.

I looked at it to find a peaceful looking Ciel fast asleep with his head resting on the bed.

His hand was rested over mine and he was sitting in a chair next to his bed.

'He must've been worried about me'

I thought with a smile but I quickly shook it off and thought that he must've just been being kind since I was a fellow noble.

When I was thinking I didn't realize that the sleeping Ciel had woken up and he was silently watching me argue with myself.

Ciel's POV

I woke up from my uncomfortable sleeping spot when I felt a slight movement on my hand.

I looked up to see (y/n) awake and thinking deeply about something.

I watched her quietly as her expressions changed with her train of thought.

I closed my eye again and pretended to wake up so she wouldn't know I was staring.

I moved my head slightly and groaned a little. I re-opened my eye and sat up groggily.

When i looked at her She was staring at me with wide eyes, a million questions probably racing through her mind.

She finally made up her mind on what to say when she opened her mouth and spoke.

"Where are we and what happened?" She asked

"This conversation seems oddly familiar I said with a slight smirk which made her cheeks turn lightly pink and she looked down.

My eye widened for a moment in surprise.

'Had I really made her blush? That was really cute!' I thought to myself

"Anyways, you are in my room I carried you back and my room was closer then your room."

"Nothing.... happened.... did it?" She asked looking away with a slight pink tint on her cheeks.

"No nothing happened. Although I wouldn't mind if something had happened" I mumbled the last bit so she couldn't hear.

She seemed to relax a little and she let out a breath.

"Thank goodness I got a little scared for a second." She said with a sad looking smile.

But I didn't like that. Did she really hate the thought of me that much?

I instantly changed moods.

"What kind of man do you think i am that I would take advantage of a helpless woman? Besides I wouldn't even want someone like you." I said coldly still angry about her reaction to me saying nothing happened

But this caused her to tense up again.

"Thank you got your kindness Lord Phantomhive and thank you for letting me stay in your room but I think I will be returning to my own room now." She said her voice returning to that same coldness that it had when she ran away.

She then pulled her hand away from me quickly and stood up leaving the room quietly shutting the door behind her.

After she left I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and let my head fall back on the bed.

"I'm such an idiot."

Your POV
I walked out of the room with unnoticed tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

What he said about not wanting a girl like me was almost exactly like something Alois had said to me in the past.

I made it to my room and got mad at myself. I can't believe I let myself be so vulnerable around someone like that.

He's just like Alois, they all are. I'll just have to be careful not to let my guard down around him anymore.

I went to the bathroom and got a bath running. I took off my clothes and let myself soak in the tub for a while.

I was thinking about what Ciel had said to me.

"What kind of man do you think i am that I would take advantage of a helpless woman? Besides I wouldn't even want someone like you."

Sighing, I got out of the tub and got changed into a simple dark blue dress that reached a little below my knees. I left my hair down and let it fall naturally.

I realized I was hungry and made my way down to the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and walked out to the garden to sit on a bench and eat.

While I was eating I heard someone sit next to me.

It was finny and he had a single white rose in his hand. He put it in my hair as he spoke,

"I heard what happened to your maid. I'm really sorry you had to see that. You seem like such a kind person I'm sure that maid loved you like family."

A single tear Rommel down your cheek as you hugged the blonde boy and whispered

"Thank you"

When you pulled away he was blushing slightly which made you giggle.

You said goodbye and walked into the manor. You were greeted by Sebastian who stoped you on your way to your room.

"My young master wishes to see you in his study as soon as possible m'lady." He said,

"Ok thank you Sebastian,"

You were really not in the mood to talk to him again especially after what he had said. But still, you made your way up to his study and knocked on his door.

You heard a faint
"Come in"
From the other side so you opened the door and walked in.

You saw Ciel sitting at his desk doing papers as usual.

"You wanted to see me Lord Phantomhive?"
You asked.


"Why were you talking to Finnan?" He asked coldly.

(A/N hey guys hope you liked this chapter! Do you think Ciel is a little jealous?? See you next time!)

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