Chapter 4~ Breakfast

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Your POV
As Ciel left the room I visibly relaxed. While I didn't mean to I ended up getting scared. He doesn't seem too mean but the way he yelled at me reminded me of Alois and I reacted instinctively.

I should probably apologize the next time I see him.

I heard a knock from the door and a mans voice.

"I have brought tea for you M'lady"

"Come in"

On cue the door opened revealing a tall man with black hair and red eyes. Although he smiled warmly, he reminded me so much of Claude and a chill ran down my spine.

"Miss (y/n) I have brought you tea and I was also instructed by my master to check on your wounds" he said setting the tray with the tea down on the bedside table.

I nodded as he unwrapped my head and had me turn my head so he could inspect my wound.

"While the bleeding has stopped, it seems you have a concussion so you shouldn't do anything strenuous for a while." He said as I nodded my head "now may i see your arms m'lady?" He asked still with that smile

I shook my head and pulled my arms closer to my body as if to protect them.

He sighed as he spoke again, "My lady I must inform you that I was the one who wrapped your arms and I have already seen what is under the bandages."

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off

"No I was not the one to wrap your torso, that was a maid Mey-rin she is also the one who changed you." I sighed and nodded with relief.

She must have been the first woman I had seen with the glasses.

"Now may I see your arms please?" We asked gesturing to my arms I was still protecting. I nodded and reluctantly handed him my right arm.

He unwrapped the bandages and I noticed that he stopped smiling when he saw my scars, cuts and bruises. He cleaned my arm and re-wrapped it.

After he finished he did my left arm. Once he finished, he poured me tea, judging by the scent it was earl grey. I took it happily and began to drink.

"That maid from before will be coming to help you get ready and to re-dress your wound." He said as he began to walk away.

Before he made it out the door I stopped him,


"Yes my lady?"

"I'm very grateful, Thank you"

"Don't be I am simply one hell of a butler"
He said with a smile before bowing and exiting the room.

After he left I decided to look around the room a little. Finishing my tea, I put it on the bedside table and walked around the room.

It was a beautiful room with a blue canopy bed and light blue walls. The floor was wood and the window had curtains that matched the room. I explored more and found a closet with a few dresses that, surprisingly were in my size.

Smiling faintly at the hospitality, I entered a door that was to the side and found a medium sized bathroom.

It had a blue theme like the rest of the room and there were all of the necessities.

I was going to snoop a little more until I heard the door open to my room. I poked my head out to see the maid from before came in. She looked around frantically as she hadn't seen me yet.

"Mey-rin?" I asked, grabbing her attention.

"Oh! My lady! I was wondering where you went I was worried yes I was!" She responded visible relief on her face.

I smiled at her kindness and stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.

"My lady, I came to help you with your bandages and your dress." She said cheerily.

"You can just call me (y/n) when it's just the two of us. I'm not very fond of formalities." I said as I smiled at the red head.

She smiled back "You are so kind (y/n)!" She said as she began to undress me.

She pulled off the nightgown and unwrapped my bandages I could see my back in the mirror and it looks like I had bruises and a gash on my back, probably from Alois pushing me.

She finished cleaning my wound and re-wrapped it before walking me to the closet and helping me pick out a dress.

I chose a long sleeved two piece dress so you wouldn't be able to see my arm bandages. It was pretty and had a skirt that was about knee length. I wore it with white stockings and navy blue flats.

Then Mey-rin did my (h/l) (h/c) hair.
(If you have long hair she curled it and pulled half of it up, if it's short she clipped the side up with a blue pin and curled it)

I glanced in the mirror and thanked Mey-Rin and she told me that breakfast would be served in the dining room. I nodded and she left the room.

Ciel's POV
After leaving (y/n) in that state I still felt guilty. I had Sebastian tend her injuries and told him to get Mey-rin to help her get ready for breakfast.

I should probably apologize again for how I acted in her room especially because she was a guest. Sighing, I walked to the dining room to wait for (y/n) for breakfast.

Your POV
It wasn't until after the Mey-rin was long gone that I noticed I had no idea where the dining room was.

I stepped out of my room and decided to go left down a long hall. Eventually I reached the end and I found what looked like the entrance hall.

There was a staircase and what looked like the front door. I walked down the stars and saw a sweet looking blonde now with a straw hat.

"Excuse me mister" I said grabbing his attention.

"Oh hi there miss! My name is Finnan but you can call me Finny! I'm the gardener here!"

"It's lovely to meet you! My name is (y/n) (l/n) and I was wondering if you knew where the dining room was?"

"Oh yes I do! Follow me!" He said happily as we walked.

We talked to each other on the way there and I found that he was really sweet! I'm sure we can be friends.

Soon though we reached the dining room and he held the door open for me.

I smiled and thanked him and said I would see him later. The door closed behind me and I saw Ciel sitting at the table watching me.

I walked up to him and bowed "I'm very sorry for how I acted this morning, please forgive my actions." I said still bowing when I stood back up he looked surprised.

His face quickly went back to emotionless before he responded, "There is no reason for you to apologize Miss (l/n) I was acting out of line and I had no reason to shout at you like I did." He said seriously.

Instead of arguing I just nodded and took my place at the table sitting diagonal to him as he was at the head of the table.

Sebastian came in with a cart of food and served it to us. I took a bite and it was the best food I've ever eaten.

"Oh my goodness Sebastian this is delicious! Thank you so much!" I said after swallowing.

"It is no problem at all miss (l/n) thank you for the compliment." He said with that closed eyed smile that never seemed true.

I nodded and began eating again. It was quiet but I could feel eyes on me or more specifically an eye.

I glanced up at him and he quickly looked back down and continued eating. After I finished, Ciel asked to see me in his study.

He walked out of the room and I was left wondering what he needed to talk to me about.

(A/N Hey guys! Here's another chapter! I know I've been posting a lot but I wanted to get the first few chapters out quickly because I know how annoying waiting for chapters can be. Thanks for reading! See you later!!)

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