Chapter 3~ The Queen's Guard Dog

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Your POV
I woke up with a splitting headache. I say up and looked around taking in my surroundings.

I was in a large room with one window to the right of my bed. The bed was very soft.

I reached out to squish the duvet when I noticed my bandages.

I looked, and my arms, head, and my torso were wrapped in bandages over a white nightgown.

I was slightly confused when I heard the door open. A woman with large cracked glasses and red hair walked into my room mumbling to herself.

She didn't seem to notice me until she looked up and saw I was sitting up.

"OH MY GOODNESS THE YOUNG MISS IS AWAKE YES SHE IS!" She shouted, running out of the room.

Groaning slightly because the sudden shouting made your head throb, you rested your head against the cool headboard and drifted into thought.

Ciel's POV
I sighed throwing my papers down on the desk. Honestly I don't know how I am able to do so much work.

I can't focus because I kept thinking about the girl and the way Alois talked to her.

When she is awake I will have to talk to her and ask her how she knows him and why he was attacking her.

I knew the most likely answer. Judging by the argument I heard, they were engaged. Because of this I'm not sure I can trust her.

I do admire how she stood up for herself even in a dangerous situation. I don't want to think about what would've happened to her if I hadn't stopped Trancy.

Sighing as I was signing some papers my door burst open and my clumsy maid, Mey-Rin stumbled into my study.

Setting down the papers in my hand I looked at her expectantly wondering why she had burst in while she caught her breath.

"Young Master! The young miss has woken up! I went into her room to check on her and she was awake yes she was!" She shouted out still trying to catch her breath.

"I see. Thank you for letting me know. Please tell Sebastian to prepare tea for the girl when you see him."

"I will have your tea ready shortly young master." Sebastian said making his presence known.

Rolling my eyes at the demon's diligence I stood up and started to walk toward the guest room.

Your POV
I was resting my head against the headboard with my eyes closed when I heard the door open.

Normally I would've opened my eyes but I thought I might try to find out who took me before I let them know I'm awake.

Still with my eyes closed I heard a boy speak quietly.

"She fell back asleep, honestly that maid doesn't know anything." He mumbled to himself.

Noticing that it wasn't Alois I relaxed and pretended to wake up. When I opened my eyes there was a boy that looked around my age.

He had blue hair and a blue eye. One of his eyes was covered with an eyepatch.

"Oh I see you've really woken up now. You have my apologies for waking you, how are you feeling?"

Ignoring his question and the formalities I got straight to the point.

"Who are you and where am I"

"Sigh, I suppose you could be a little nervous considering what happened when you passed out-"

"I asked who you were" I cut him off not completely trusting him.

"My name is Ciel Phantomhive and you are at the Phantomhive manor." He said calmly seeming a little annoyed.

"How did I get here and why am I here?" I asked a little calmer but still coldly.

"When you had that little... fight with Earl Trancy, I saw what was happening and decided to help."

You could tell he was lying a little you were sure he didn't just help you out of the goodness of his heart. He didn't seem like that kind of person. You decided to play along anyways acting as though you believed him.

"I see thank you for saving me." You said bowing your head slightly as a sign of respect.

He nodded before continuing, "I have a few questions for you and I'd like for you to answer truthfully." He said sitting in a chair beside your bed. You nodded for him to continue as you calmed down a little.

"Who are you? How do you know Alois Trancy and what are your relations with him?" He asked but it sounded more like a demand.

Sighing, you decided to answer truthfully, "My name is (y/n) (l/n). I met the Earl Trancy at a ball that me and my... Aunt were invited to." You said pausing when you thought about your aunt.

"As for my relations with him, he was my fiancé but he cut off the engagement." You said lying at the end, not wanting to talk about what happened.

"I see..." he said, you could tell he didn't trust your answer completely, "Why did he break of the engagement?" He asked

You thought for a minute and decided to lie but put a little bit of truth behind it "He said that I was not pretty and that I would be a bad wife. He then cut off the engagement claiming he needed someone better. He was right though," you say laughing a little to be more believable, "I would be a poor wife. But that's all in the past." You finished.

"Why are you lying." He said darkly the polite facade he used gone.

"I'm not lying I-" he cut you off, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Yes you are! I told you to answer truthfully but you are lying!" He shouted

You flinched away thinking he was going to hit you. He stopped shouting when he saw you.

Ciel's POV
Why was she being difficult she's lying I know she is! I was asking her why she was lying when I looked down and realized what I was doing.

I was standing up with my hands up and I was yelling. Then I saw (y/n)...

She had moved away her eyes squeezed shut with tears threatening to fall from the corners of her eyes. Judging by how tense she was she had braced herself for me to hit her.

Immediately sitting down and feeling guilty I regretted my actions.

"I am very sorry Miss (y/-" I stopped when I realized she wasn't looking at me she was still bracing herself.

I grabbed her wrist to get her attention and she suddenly pulled her wrist away flinching and holding it close as she moved away from me.

I sighed standing up, " I apologize for my actions I hope you know no harm will come to you with me." I said as I moved the chair back and walked to the door. "Also, before I go, my butler Sebastian will be bringing tea up for you." I said closing the door behind me walking to my study.

I couldn't stop thinking about how she reacted. Why did she think I was going to hit her? Knowing this made me just suspect Trancy more. I walked to my desk and got back to work.

(A/N hey guys thanks for reading! What did you think of your first interaction with Ciel? What will happen next?)

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