chapter 4

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They hiked up half blood hill and started at the camp below them. "This is it." Katie sighed. Travis nodded and looked over at Katie. Gods, she's beautiful. Wait, brain no- Travis thought. "Alright, are you guys ready?" Connor and Katie nodded. "Lets go then."

They walked down the road for 20 minutes until they found a house with a bunch of cars in the driveway. Katie facepalmed. "Do what you have to do but please don't wreck anything." "No promises Katie kat!" Travis yelled as he and Connor sprinted towards an suv. Katie sighed and followed them.

Travis was glad he brought his guide to thievery his dad gave him. Chiron never let them steal cars so he wasn't able to practice.

2 minutes later, the three demigods were putting all of their stuff in the car. Travis was driving and Katie was navigating. Connor was in the backseat trying to fall asleep.

"Travis turn left up here." "No. My way is better Katie trust me." "No Travis! I have the map! Turn left!" "Jeez Kates."

An hour later, the demigods were getting antsy. Travis pulled over at a gas station so they could get snacks and fill up on gas. "Travis, you stay out here and fill up the gas and Connor, you go get snacks. I'll get drinks and then you guys can go to the washroom if you need to. Deal?" The Stolls nodded their heads and went to do what they had to do.

Connor went to grab snacks. He grabbed bags of chips and candy and a few packs of cookies. Katie will probably male them go get actual healthy food later so he might as well have some fun. He put the bags in the car and then went to the washroom.

Katie grabbed 10 water bottles because you can never be too careful. She also grabbed some starbucks drinks and energy drinks just in case they had to pull some all nighters. She passed the slush puppy machine and smiled as she remembered the day before her dad met her crazy step mom. They went to get slushies because it was Katie's birthday. She loves the cherry one. She decided to get some slushies. She got the Stolls blue raspberry. She put her stuff in the car and went to the bathroom.

Travis was scared. He was completely terrified. He didn't like being alone. It was one of his worst fears. He was pumping gas as fast as he could so he could go inside with the other two. He was praying that someone came outside with him. Finally, Connor came outside and sat in the car. He sighed in relief and he finished pumping the gas. He ran inside to go to the washroom and grab a pack of gum.

Katie finished in the bathroom and went outside to the car. She sat in the passengers seat again and stared at the store waiting for Travis to come out. She was really worried for him. She saw the way fear flashed in his eyes when she told him to stay here by himself. She immediately shook her head to get rid of her thoughts. She hated Travis. Right?

Travis ran out of the washroom. He grabbed some gum and left as soon as he could. As the automatic doors opened, a monster came bounding towards him. It didn't look like any greek monsters he'd ever seen. It looked like a spider but with blades for its legs and sharp teeth. Its face kept changing. Travis paled. He didn't prepare himself for this.

Katie saw the monster. She was going pale but she managed to keep her composure. She snuck up behind the monster and whacked its head like it was a baseball. It's head went flying and the rest of it's body disintegrated. She hugged Travis. She was glad he wasn't dead.

Travis was in shock. First, the monster almost ate him and then his "enemy" hugged him. Not like a sisterly hug though. It was a 'I'm glad you're not dead because I love you' hug. He was very confused. Katie grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the car. "Come on pretty boy. We have to get to Canada."

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