chapter 6

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After the 3 demigods were done their ice cream, they lied down in the car. They played rock paper scissors to see who got the front seat and who had to share the back. Connor won so he put the front seat all the way down and went to sleep there. Katie and Travis had to share the bed Katie made.

"Night  Kates."
"Night Trav."
Katie woke up at around 3 in the morning because she was having nightmares. She didn't realise Travis had his arms around her and that their legs were intertwined until she was almoat asleep again. She moved a little bit closer to him because she liked the warmth. She put her head on his chest and tried to fall asleep again.
As she fell asleep, she realised something. She loved Travis.

-time skip to morning-

Connor got up early and looked in the back. Travis and Katie were cuddling. Of course. Travis was oblivious. Probably more oblivious than Percy. Connor decided to talk to Travis later on and probably smack some sense into him.

Half an hour later, Katie and Travis got up.
Katie had been up for 15 minutes but she was just lying next to Travis.

When Travis finally got up, he stared at Katie for a little bit and he was probably blushing.

The two of them finally untangled themselves and they got up. Katie decided to leave the bed made in the back so they can rest later on.

The 3 demigods started another long day of driving.

Y'all, i am so sorry this chapter took so long but i was camping and i had writers block. So yeah...

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