chapter 5

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The demigods drove for 3 more hours. It was 12:00 when they finally stopped in a grocery store parking lot. "Tomorrow morning we'll go to the store and get good food." Travis and Connor rolled their eyes. "Travis, help me fold down the seats." Katie opened the trunk and started folding down the seats. Once all of the seats were folded, there was enough space for a king sized matress to fit. Katie started putting down some blankets she found in the trunk. "So Kates, how are you so prepared all the time?" Katie sighed. "Well, my dad was into that kind of stuff and we went camping every weekend." "Hey Travis, come to the store with me." Connor shouted. "Okay. See ya Kates." Travis and Connor ran off towards the grocery store.

Katie sat in the car with her knees curled up to her chest. She hated this. Why couldn't she just stay at camp with her siblings as if the switch never happened. Next thing she knew, tears were falling down her face. She missed her siblings, she missed her dad, she missed camp, and she even wanted to go back to when the Stolls pranked her every day.
Travis and Connor were heading inside the store when Travis realised he forgot to grab his sword from the car. "Connor, I forgot my sword. I'll be right back." Connor nodded and Travis started sprinting to the car. When he got close, he saw Katie with her knees curled up to her chest. Her body was shaking. Was Katie crying? Travis thought. He walked over to Katie and sat down next to her. "Hey Katie. Are you okay?"

Katie didn't realise Travis was next to her until he spoke. His voice surprised Katie. She had only heard his voice this soft once, when he was comforting a new camper after she scraped her knee. "I- I'm okay. It's just scary. We're all alone. There's nobody else in the world. What if we die? There will be nobody left. We would fail." Travis felt sorry for Katie. She is always so hard on herself and she doesn't realise how amazing she is. "Katie, listen to me. You are amazing. We won't fail. We're going to save everyone." Travis pulled Katie into a tight hug. "We'll do great."

After a few seconds, Katie pulled away. She smiled at Travis and tried to hide her blush. It didn't really work though. Travis was blushing too. He grabbed his sword and started walking towards the store. He turned around and waved at Katie, then he sprinted to the store.
When Travis found Connor, he snuck up behind him. Connor spun around. "What took you so long?" "I um... I couldn't find my sword." Travis said, while blushing. Connor rolled his eyes and showed Connor what he had already picked out. Pre made sandwiches, watermelon (for Katie), ice cream, candy, and a few other things. "This should be good until the morning."
The boys walked out of the store and ran over to their car. "Hey Katie kat, guess what we got." Katie rolled her eyes. "I don't know Stoll, what did you get?" Travis smiled. "Ice cream!" Katie smiled. She loves ice cream. Maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all.

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