The Truth & Nothing But The Truth

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This story may sound familiar I had rewrote it a few years ago and I was not at all happy with the entire book so here I am rewriting it I hope you guys enjoy it just as much as the previous one

Everything in this book is real all the names dates and places have been changed to protect those identity once again everything in this book is real all except Charlie's parents being in the mob however her parents are very high end people no they're not the President or the Pope but there are very important people I chose to portray them as the mob because of the power the mob possesses.

I'm standing in my room , starting at myself in my full length body mirror trying to imagine myself 5 months pregnant from now.

Crazy right ?


But I just DONT see it . I don't see a baby in their , I don't see myself giving birth or being someone's mom or hell someone calling me " mom" . At all ! And I'm trying to figure out why . Is it because it was never suppose to be me ? Maybe it's because I'm just not that girl . Shit , I don't care about guys or parties or sex or being popular . Nah , I could give two fucks about that because I care about making my parents happy & graduating . THAT'S what I cared about . Not shit like this .

Shit is mad scary cause this was never suppose to be me . Not now . Not at 17. Shit barley 17 ! Two month ago today I turned 17 , two months ago I had a beach party at my best friends parents house . Two months ago i lost my virginity to my dope ass boy friend . Two months ago I tried alcohol , weed & a molly for the first time ... & look where that shit got me. . . A damn baby . Mannn fuck " fitting in" ! Look where " fitting in" got me ! A baby ! A friggin baby .

It got me a baby. .

Baby ..

Baby .

That word kept repeating over & over in my head & I can't lie , I hated it because I wasn't that irresponsible girl . I wasn't that 17 & pregnant type of girl still in high school .

Although I know it would most definitely crush my mother & my dad . . well he'd probably have an heart attack . & my brother ? Well he's gunna really be pissed at me & my boy friend who he's never really been a fan off .

I lift my shirt , rub my tummy in cricles . Still , I don't see it . My forehead wrinkles in frustration & I force myself to think about it really, really hard & still . . nothing . All I got was a damn headache .

Fuck .

I drop my shirt & grab my pants off the bed & yank them on . They don't get pass my thiegs , already gaining weight. Sheesh man . Still I wiggle left , right , up , down & all over again & don't get no where . no fucking where .

" Aww man," I groaned . "These were my favorite jeans !" I shrugged them off & sighed loudly . " This seriously can't be happening "

I tossed my jeans in the corner & fell back on my bed , thinking . Today is my brothers birthday & where all going out to eat , a family dinner . The timing couldn't be more prefect . I might as well tell them tonight , now is better then never ?

Right ?

Although today is not about me , but my brother, I had to do it because telling my family at home since we don't go out often , they would really have my head . BUT in a public place ? They would never do anything drastic . Nobody would hit me or yell , they would have to wait till they get home & surely by then they would have cooled down some .

Right ?

So it was settled . I would tell them tonight & just get it over with .

Standing I walked over to my dresser & pulled out the first pair of leggings I touched . Grey . I put them on & looked down at my shirt . It matched but it was clearly dirty so I took it off & grabbed my Diamonds Supply Blue hoodie & shrugged it on .

Stood back in front of my mirror & tried go picture myself as " that girl " Still couldn't see it though . hmm .. All I got back was a girl who was scared of the unknown .

Scared to face reality .

Fuck my life man .

I slipped on my vans and headed down stairs .

" Took you long enough Jazz . What were you doing ?" My little brother asked as he stood .

" Minding my business ," I responded .

"Yea yea , whatever . " he rolled his eyes and turned away from me , walking to the kitchen where I'm assuming our parents where .

I skipped behind him & hugged him . "happy birthday to my favorite little brother ," I sung as I kissed all over on him.

" Ew dude , get off ! " he recoiled away from me laughing . " And I'm your only little brother !"

"Its the thought that counts," I grabbed his chubby cheeks & made dramatic kissy noises on them as we entered the kitchen . " how old are you today baby brother ?"

" Jazz get off of me ! I'm not a baby anymore !" He moaned . "And I'm 14 !"

" Your still my baby brother!" I argued as he pushed me away and scrubbed at his face.

" And your still my little Joshua ." Our mom said as she walked over & slung a arm over his shoulder . " No matter how old you get !"

"Dad ," Josh groaned , shrugging our mother's arm off & stepping to the side ." Tell them this has to stop , I'm not baby . I'm 14 . For cris sake , I have hair down there !"

We all gasped .

" Seriously Josh ?" I said . "TMI"

" That was totally inappropriate Josh !" Our dad grumbed .

Our mother just shook her head . " I would like to not picture that ever , ever again ." She demanded as she pointed a finely manicured finger at him .

" Fine but can you all stop calling me a baby ?!" He pleaded .

" Noted ." I sat down at the table across from my dad .

" I'll try ." Mother said with a wink .

" I'll be in the car " he mumbled as he stomped out the kitchen . " Crazy people . "

Our dad sat down his newspaper. " Why must you woman provoke him?"

" Cause it's fun ." I laughed .

" Because he's my baby & I'm allowed too . " Mom stated .

" But he's right . He's 14 & he's ," Dad cleared his throat . " growing up . So give it a rest ladies ."

" Only because it's his birthday , I will . "

Dad gave me a look . I gave him a cheesy smile . " love you daddy." I stood & made my way to front door .

" Mmmhmm." He mumbled .

Just as I opened the passenger door I rememberd I didn't have my phone so I rushed pass my parents who were making there way out the door .

" What did you forget Jazz ?" My mother asked .

" My phone !"

"Grab your key so you can lock the door please . "

" Kay." I dashed upstairs and grabbed my phone off my bed & keys that were on my TV stand . On my way out the door , the mirror caught my eye & all of a sudden I remembed that I was pregnant because just that fast , I had forgot all about it .

Fuck Me .

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