part one

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hi as i said my name is autumn parker, i am eighteen and i live in canada, i live with my mum, my stepdad, my brother, he is fifteen, my step brother, he's seventeen, and my stepsister, she's fourteen, we have lived in this house since six months after my dad died.

my backstory, my dad passed away from cancer when i was thirteen leaving me, my mum and my brother. soon after that my grandma died from a broken heart, i thought it would've been me over her but i'm still here. i've had counselling since i was thirteen, it doesn't do much though.
i suffer from severe anxiety and depression, "typical teenager" eh? , actually no. as much as adults like to think they have us figured out and teenagers "do it for attention" and "every teenager has depression" it's false. we may all be depressed but we all have different types and different severities.

anyway, i met my best friend through my musically/tiktok account that i started when i was around fifteen, to distract me from life around me. i never made friends when we moved out to Canada, i became homeschooled and this is where my mum met her husband. everyone found their own place here, their friends, their hobbies and they loved it here.

but, i didn't, i never made friends, i never went out, i never found hobbies i enjoyed, so i started tiktok to take my mind off of how lonely i was, this is where i met my soulmate - my friendship soulmate - her name is Scarlett Grace Cameron. she had changed my life but she lives one thousand miles away from me, sucky right?

well we have been best friends for nearly four years and we have never met in person, Scarlett moved into her own apartment after we both finished high school and now she's asked me to move in with her, i can't wait to finally meet her after four years!

today is the day i tell my family that i'm leaving i'm going to tell my siblings first as it'll be easier and they won't be as bothered as my parents will.

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