part five

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the whole five hours of the flight i got to know the two boys i was sat next to their names were Jack and Corbyn they were both so cute and seemed like amazing guys. Jack showed me a picture of his daughter she is literally the cutest baby ever he said i can meet her one day which was slightly odd considering we hadn't known each other very long but we have each other our numbers so i could talk to him more. me and corbyn also talked a lot, he was super cute and they're both so talented, they showed me videos of them singing and their band goofing about and i showed them videos of my tiktok and my youtube and me singing and told them about my family and my best friend and basically it was none stop talking the whole flight. they said i was a really good singer and i should try to do that in the future so maybe that's the career path i want to take, who knows? i just want to see my best friend.

it was actually so fun and i'm so glad i wasn't sat by myself the whole flight. we finally started to land and i packed my bag up and made sure i had everything, we got off the plane and walked to baggage claim together, they warned me that they might get rushed away by security which i understood i had their numbers anyway. i got my suitcases and said goodbye to the guys i had just met yet had felt an instant connection with.

i text Scarlett to ask her where she was but before she responded i heard her familiar excited squeal
that i had heard through our many face time calls, i giggled to myself as i saw her run up to me. we engulfed each other in a hug and it was like i was home, i can't believe this was the first time ever meeting my best friend. we stood there for about five minutes just holding each other while everyone stared at us. as we both released we had giant grins plastered across our faces. "OMG! I CANT BELIEVE WE ARE REALLY STOOD NEXT TO EACH OTHER!" she shouted a little too loudly, causing me to laugh. "omg i'm so happy right now." she said and pulled me into another hug. "okay so are we going to hug all day or shall we go get me unpacked into our new apartment." i said excitedly, feeling the happiest i'd felt in years.

we walked out of the airport arm in arm each holding a suitcase with smiles plastered on our faces, not fake for once. we reached Scarlett's car, which she has said we can both drive but, i'll probably just Uber places i'm not comfortable driving, we placed the luggage in the trunk and started to drive to the apartment, after an hour we finally reached it but it's fine because we were taking about everything as per usual, i told her about the boys i met on the plane but i didn't mention their names, i spoke about my family's reaction and she told me about how her mom keeps messaging her asking her to go home but she obviously is refusing because we are adults now.

we reached the apartment complex and it was stunning, it had a pool and a garden and it was right by Venice beach, i sat in awe looking at the place while Scarlett stood laughing at my reaction but i'd never seen a place so beautiful in my life, considering i'd never really gone anywhere except the two countries i'd lived in. we walked past the pool with my suitcases and i'm sure i saw lavender with her mom but i'm not a hundred percent sure because i'd only seen jacks pictures of her. we got into the apartment and it was beautiful, it was home.

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