part four

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30th June 2020 the day i was leaving my home and going to meet my best friend for the first time in four years. i was scared i'd never been on a plane by myself before never mind trying to find myself round the airport and living in a completely different country.

i woke up around 8am and got ready for the day ahead i had barely slept last night even though i take sleeping tablets they didn't work, they rarely do when i'm this anxious. i put on my white sweatpants and crew neck with a sports bra underneath, i curled my hair lightly and put on a light layer of make up. i grabbed my suitcases and made my bed for the last time. i grabbed my two suitcases and took them downstairs to see all of my family sat on the couch.

"hey guys! how come you are all up?" i asked as i reached the bottom of the stairs with my bags, "well did you really think we weren't going to say goodbye to you!" Lottie said as she ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "do you want us to take you to the airport?" my mum said coming over to hug me as well. "of course i do!" i said and hugged her back. "well i'm coming with!" Lottie shouted even though she was right next to me. "anyone else?" my mum questioned the boys but they seemed pretty okay with staying at home.

we got into the car and by the time we reached the airport the mood was low, everyone was feeling a little down, i was so excited to start my new life but i knew i'd miss Lottie she's a big part of the one i have now but i know it's just not a healthy life. we got out the car and i got my suitcases out of the trunk and onto the pavement, i could tell my mum was trying not to cry. "guys it's okay this is what is best for me just remember that please." i said whist giving them both final hugs, "i love you guys and you can visit whenever you want!" i said as i started to walk inside, i blew them a kiss and let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away as i put on my mask and walked into the airport.

the airport was buzzing all these people so excited to go where they were off to, skipping all the boring stuff i grabbed a starbucks and some food and had half an hour before boarding so just decided to relax and eat my food. it was finally time to board and my excitement was rising by the minute i couldn't wait to get to LA to see my best friend. i took my seat and i was sat by myself i watched as the plane got full and more full but no one sat either side of me, which i guess was a bonus.

then ran on five boys looking very flustered and confused hoping they'd got on in time, even though the woman will have scanned their tickets before they got on, three of them sat behind me and two either side of me, looks like i'm going to have an awkward flight. i offered to sit on the aisle seat or the window seat but they said since i'd settled in that i could just stay there, which was really sweet and they were really cute so i think i'm going to have a good flight.

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