part six

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1st July 2020
the last few days have been great me and Scarlett started youtube together rather than by ourselves because we think that'll be more fun and and is half the editing. we set up the apartment and it looks amazing i'm so excited for the future of us living together.

the whole house is nearly together and it's beautiful it doesn't feel like my home yet but i feel bad for telling Scarlett that because i don't know if she'll understand, i didn't know until we got here but we have three rooms so Scarlett's younger sister who is a year younger than me is going to move in with us tomorrow so hopefully by the 4th we will be all set to party.

I found out from Jack's instagram it's his 21st birthday so i messaged him to wish him happy birthday and he invited us to party at his friends JC's house, i've seen his youtube videos they're funny. I went into Scarlett's room and got into her bed, just morning roommate things, i showed her the message from Jack and she jumped out of bed so fast. i've not seen her move that fast ever.

"so you want to go?" i asked curiously,
"of course i want to go Autumn!" she said excitedly, "our first LA party! we can make LA friends!" she said and grabbed my ha d pulling me out of her bed after i just got cosy.
"okay so it's currently 11am and we have to go get our morning coffee and breakfast as tradition but by the time we will get back it'll be 1pm and the party starts at 7pm giving us just enough time to get ready." she was thinking out loud not actually to me but i just hummed in response. i had gotten myself back into her bed while she searched for an outfit to wear to the coffee shop next to our apartment building, that we get our coffee from, whereas i'll just stay in my sweats that i got changed into before walking into Scarlett's room.
i'm not going to become one of those girls that has to dress up to go to the shop or to get a coffee just because you could see someone famous i mean they aren't actually going to remember you so i don't think it matters. if fans ask me for a pic in my outfit i will happily take one this is me at my comfy and my raw self and if people can't see that i'm not bothered. i think it's quite funny when people change so much because they move out here but honestly everyone will no longer be friends with you because it just makes you look fake.

she got changed and did her hair while i sat and scrolled through tiktok, after replying to jack's message telling him we would love to come, i had posted a few tiktok's recently and now had around a hundred thousand followers which is crazy but will help so much for the career path i want to take.

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