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Hazel slowly sat up on the sofa and glanced around the room. Images of the girl from last night flashed through her mind as goosebumps covered her skin. It was at the break of dawn, the birds chirped lightly outside the window and it seemed the outside world was full of live and thriving. But inside the house seemed to grow cold and lifeless to Hazel.

Normani wouldn't be up til almost noon so she had to act now. That poor girl was locked in the basement and it looked as if she hadn't eaten anything in days so Hazel decided the first step to getting the girl her freedom back would be to get her strength back into her body. In order to do that, she needed to eat and fast.

She quickly whipped up something in the kitchen and slowly made her way to the basement door. She gently moved the chain as best she could without making a sound and stepped into the dimly lit room once again.

When she made it to the bottom of the stairs, she froze.

"What the hell?" She spoke aloud.

The girl was.....gone. It was like she was never there to begin with. The blood was gone, the room was no longer foul smelling, the windows weren't boarded up, the walls weren't covered up; the room was completely clean.

"You know.." Hazel froze at the sound of Normani's voice coming from behind her. "Sometimes...you bitches really need to mind your own business."

That was the last thing Hazel heard before she felt a sharp blow to her head, the sound of glass breaking, and everything went black.


Her eyes fluttered open as the scenery around her seemed to fade in and out. Her ears were ringing loudly as her head throbbed immensely. She finally managed to get her eyes opened as she fully awoke with a groan. She tried to move her arms but failed and that's when she realized that she had been restrained.

"Oh, good. You're awake." She heard Normani's voice next to her before said girl stepped in front of her.

"I hate to do this to you, princess." She reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind Hazel's ear as she let out a sigh. "You gave me no choice.  You shouldn't have come down here."

Hazel recoiled at the touch, disgusted to even be in the same room as Normani.

"If this is your idea of fun...then I want no parts of this." She gritted out as she stared into Normani's eyes.

A dry chuckle sounded from Normani's lips. "But we're just getting started, love." She grinned and Hazel felt a chill pass through her body.

"Let me go."

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. You've seen too much and I can't have you running off to the cops or god knows who else. You think I'm fucking stupid? I knew you would come down here." Normani angrily stepped away from Hazel.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like you can't seem to mind your own fucking business. You just had to know what was going on in this basement instead of listening to me and now....now look at you." Normani stepped towards Hazel once more, her hands outlining Hazel's figure. "All tied up in my basement instead of my bed. We could've been good together....you and I. But you...you ruined everything by coming into this basement."

Normani slowly pulled a gun from her back pocket and Hazel's ears tuned into movement behind her. Then a loud bang sounded through the room followed by a thud. Hazel gazed down at the floor as a pool of blood spilled next to her feet. When she turned her head slightly to the left, she screamed at the sight of the brunette from the night before now lying lifeless on the floor. A bullet wound to her temple as blood poured from the wound.

Eat Your Heart Out (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now