"I'm gonna fucking kill her."

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Normani walked outside with her head high as she scooped out the area, making sure that no one saw her exit the woman's home. She walked to the side of the house, flipping the switch on the fuse box causing the power to turn back on. She let the actions she had just committed run through her mind, slowly checking every corner mentally, assessing the damage almost intricately until a low hum settled in her veins.

She reveled in the feeling as it rushed through her body, almost like a high.

What next?

She quickly jogged back to her house, up and down the stairs repeatedly, to cause her breathing to become labored. She managed to make herself emotional enough to cry before she picked up her phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The woman on the phone spoke.

"Hello? I....I need help!" Normani frantically screamed into the phone.

"Miss, I need you to calm down and tell me what's going on." The lady respectfully instructed.

"It's my neighbor. I'm not sure what's going on but she came over earlier and she seemed a bit shaken up and I tried to check on her but she never answered the door and I don't.....I don't.." Normani broke off into a hysterical fit of crying.

"Ma'am, we're tracing your location and someone is on the way but I need you to calm down and stay on the line. Can you do that? Please, stay on the line."

"I can't..I can't!" Normani's voice trembled with emotion on the line.

"Miss, help is on the way. I need you to breathe for me, okay? One deep breath in and let it out slowly." The woman inhaled and exhaled along with Normani. "That's it.....Deep breaths." She whispered.

"I need you to let me know when they arrive but I need you to remain calm. We don't want you getting too upset and causing panic attacks so if you feel yourself getting worked up again, I want you to breathe and count each time you exhale." The woman spoke softly.

The sound of sirens grew louder and louder until the noise was coming from directly in front of Normani's house.

"They made it. Thank God, they made it." Normani allowed a soft chuckle, thick with emotion to escape.

She hung up the phone and immediately started laughing, proud of her performance. Tears streamed down her face from the force of her laughter only helping her stay in character for the moment. She quickly jogged in place so her breathing would increase once more before she ran to the door.

The same two officers from earlier immediately ran to her.

"Please help! It's my neighbor!" She screamed as the officers approached her.

"What's wrong?" One of the officers asked as the other officer slowly and carefully headed to Mrs. Agnes's house as the other held Normani's shaking body to keep her steady as her legs buckled beneath her.

She could hear the sound of the officer calling Mrs. Agnes's name and she would've laughed at the situation had she not been in this moment right now.

"I know someone called the police earlier and I figured maybe it was Mrs. Agnes because she was feeling ill or.....I don't......I don't know what was going on but she seemed shaken up when I spoke to her a while ago after you guys left and about an hour or two had passed without her coming back outside so I tried to go check on her and.....she....she wouldn't answer the door and I.....before I could get to my phone...it just....I.." Normani broke down again.

The sound of a door being kicked in startled her a bit as she used her hair as a shield to hide the smirk on her face before she quickly whipped back into character.

Eat Your Heart Out (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now