"Admit that you're jealous."

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Dinah turned around with a frown as she watched Normani's car speed off quickly. She side stepped her boyfriend as she entered their home and immediately headed upstairs to sleep the rest of the day away. She quickly stripped of her shirt and jeans before climbing into bed.

Although the moment her head hit the pillow, sleep was no where to be found. Instead her mind kept replaying the few moments spent in the car with Normani. Dinah felt completely and utterly submerged in heat whenever she and Normani were close to each other. She'd felt it when Normani saved her at the park, she felt it when she brushed against Normani when the two of them sat in the hospital, she felt it whenever she gazed into those brown eyes.....she knew what it meant but she couldn't allow herself to dwell on that.

She had a boyfriend and she wasn't about to put her relationship in jeopardy and of course she knew that she and Normani were strangers....so she'd ignore those feelings and push them aside to avoid any trouble.

She willed her mind to go blank and sleep finally found her.

When she woke up it was now night out and she could here voices coming from the living room. She sat up slowly and wiped her eyes as she stood to her feet.

"Well, I mean we're friends but I wouldn't say we're that close." She froze in the hallway as she heard the sound of a familiar voice.

No....no way.

Dinah's heart rate sped up as she realized who was in the living room with her boyfriend.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." She whispered as she quickly and quietly sped walk back to the bedroom and silently shut the door.

She quickly rummaged through her closet and quickly grabbed one of her boyfriend's t-shirts and a pair of sleep short and quickly got dressed. She went into the bathroom and quickly brushed her hair into a messy bun before throwing a little water on her face to calm herself down.

"Damn it, Dj. What're you doing?" She whispered to herself as she gazed into the mirror. She took a deep breath as she exited the bathroom and popped a piece of gum into her mouth before heading back down the hallway and into the living room.

"Oh, look who's awake." Keith smiled brightly at the sight of Dinah as the light casted a golden glow against her skin.

"Hi, sorry I look like crap." She chuckled as she plucked a strand of hair out of her face.

Normani just stared at Dinah for the longest. She had never seen her look so relaxed and it was causing something to stir inside of her yet she refused to acknowledge it.

"Hi, Dinah. You look fine." Normani smiled as her eyes held honesty and truth in them as Dinah stared back.

The two of them just continued to stare until Normani cleared her throat and looked away.

"So, um I guess I should be going then." Normani stood to her feet.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Dinah asked with a frown.

Normani's eyes hardened momentarily as she turned to gaze at Dinah. "Yes, I only came by to drop off your phone and your wallet." Normani pointed to the objects now placed onto the table in the center of the living room.

"Oh, um thanks." Dinah tucked her hands behind her back as she walked over to sit on the couch next to Keith.

Normani nodded as she clenched her jaw at the sight of the girl sitting so close to him. She felt herself grow irritated and annoyed almost instantly.

"I better go." She gritted out and Dinah stood to her feet.

"I'll walk you out."

Normani plastered on a fake smile as she and Dinah both stepped out the door.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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